NAR Fall 2018 Event Announced- How to win grants and influence reviewers
NAR Fall 2018 Event Announced- How to win grants and influence reviewers
NAR Fall 2018 Event Announced- How to win grants and influence reviewers
Congratulations to all presenters at the third annual Symposium on Aging Research (SoAR), which took place on April 25, 2018.
NAR invites qualified researchers, from the University of Waterloo, to submit applications for exploratory research or new aspects of current research, across a variety of aging-related domains.
Four submissions were received by the January 15th, 2018 deadline, involving six researchers and led by PIs from three different faculties.
Researchers from the University of Waterloo, along with collaborators from the Schlegel-UW Research Institute for Aging have designed innovative exercise programs for seniors using virtual reality technology.
One Post-Doctoral position is available immediately to contribute to Dr. Andrew Laing’s research programs associated with fall-related injury prevention in older adults.
The Network for Aging Research has launched a call for the 2018 Winter Catalyst Grant.
Professor Jen Boger in the department of Systems Design Engineering at the University of Waterloo has an opportunity for a postdoctoral fellow in Intelligent Information Systems.
The WALRUS talks: Mobility
Eighteen submissions were received by the May 17th, 2017 deadline, involving over 50 researchers, and led by PIs from all six Waterloo faculties. Evidence of the growing strength and diversity of aging-related research at Waterloo.