Faculty of Science

InTech Open

Available at: InTech Open Books.

Open access books published in a variety of disciplines with a focus on physical sciences, engineering, and technology. Focused on books broadly, so the content may not be structured to suit 1:1 textbook replacement.  


Available at: LibreTexts.

LibreTexts hosts open courses and textbooks developed by a number of institutions. LibreTexts is an organization that was initiated by the University of California, Davis, and has since received support from the U.S. Government, as well as from a number of universities across the U.S. In particular, LibreTexts Engineering and Chemistry have been highlighted as containing particularly good resources.

Chemistry for Engineers

Available at: Chemistry for Engineers

This course is designed to provide engineering students with a fundamental knowledge of physical chemistry and to demonstrate the relevance of that knowledge to the practise of a variety of engineering disciplines. Some of the topics are: states of matter, equilibrium in non-reactive systems, and equilibrium in electrochemical systems.

PHET - Interactive Simulations for Science and Math

Available at: PHET – Interactive Simulations for Science and Math.

Gamified and interactive math and science simulations to engage students. Includes accessible sims made to work with assistive technology. Grade levels range from elementary to university-level programs.

NCBI Bookshelf

Available at: NCBI Bookshelf.

Bookshelf by the National Centre for Biotechnology Information with free online books and documents in life science and healthcare.