7th Community Care Access Centre (CCAC)/Saint Elizabeth Culture Change Coalition (CCC)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

As I wrote about in my last post, we spent time in our last meeting critically reflecting on where we are and what we are doing. The group felt unsure of their role and our purpose. As a result, we thought it was important to take time in this meeting to regroup and refocus our efforts. As such, we opened this meeting with an 'ice breaker' that asked us to reflect on what it is that brings us through the door (see this, and other types of ice breakers by visiting the Dawning Toolkit (PDF) on the Partnerships in Dementia Care (PIDC) website).

Lorna, Zara, and I then shared with the group the newly developed 'AI Journey (Arrow Tool)' which included the new Dawning phase. We informed them that we shared this tool with the other CCC site, Bloomington cove, which also found it helpful to regroup and get a sense of what we have been doing and where we are going. We let our CCC know that these tools would not have been developed without their open dialogue. I think we all felt good knowing that we are really learn from this process and as a result, we will be able to help others who undergo a similar culture change initiative. 

This meeting was also important since we began to logistically plan our Discovery. We completed an exercise where we explored the objectives of our Discovery (the What) and our anticipated outcomes (What for) (visit the Discovery Toolkit). We then broke out into small groups and used the Discovery Planning chart to plan our Discovery for clients, their families, and staff.

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