8th Huron County Culture Change Coalition (CCC) Meeting

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

We began our meeting with a fun ice breaker that really got us laughing and having fun. We noted that having fun, and focusing on the positive (appreciative) aspects of life is important, especially since the dementia journey can sometimes be a very negative or challenging one. 

As we continued to plan our Discovery, we realized the importance of clarifying confidentiality issues before we move forward with our project. This speaks to how critical it is that we work collaboratively and talk openly with each other. We began developing a clear timeline for our Discovery. This helped us to feel that we were finally moving forward with our Discovery. Developing concrete plans helped the group feel like they were finally ready to talk to others (colleagues and/or their clients and their families) about what we our CCC is trying to achieve. Their involvement in our process is so vital, so it is good for us to be able to 'spread the word' as much as possible.  

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