In this newsletter, you will find...
Featured at Grebel:
- 2019-2020 PACS Student Communications Assistant Job
- 2019-2020 PACS Living Learning Community Peer Leader Job
- Career-Focused Workshop for Graduating Students
- Pre-Summit Keynote: Socio-Cultural and Political Implications of Artificial Intelligence
- Mobilities, Medications, and Institutional Mazes: Ethical and Practical Dilemmas for People with Illness and Disability
- Campus Access: Rights and Resources
- Socio-Cultural and Political Implications of Artificial Intelligence Research Summit
- Curing the World from Injustices? Norm Failures in the Case of Humanitarian Arms Control
- Gathering Hearts and Minds to Restore the Land Network
Jobs and Opportunities:
- The Ripple Effect Education Manager of Programs
- EQWIP HUBs Volunteer Positions
- Israel-Palestine Study Tour
- Canadian School of Peacebuilding
Disclaimer: Events and opportunities above are not all endorsed by the PACS department; this bulletin includes opportunities that we think PACS students may be interested in but are not sponsored by PACS. Please use your own discretion to determine if an opportunity is right for you.
Featured at Grebel
2019-2020 PACS Student Communications Assistant Job
The PACS department is looking for a Student Communications Assistant for the 2019-2010 school year! This paid position includes managing social media for the PACS department, assisting in promoting, planning, and implementing PACS Sponsored Events, updating the PACS websites, sending out our biweekly newsletter, and more! Applications are due by Friday, April 5th, 2019.
2019-2020 PACS Living Learning Community Peer Leader Job
PACS is looking for Peer Leaders for their Living Learning Community (LLC) for the 2019-2020 school year! Living Learning Communities are small groups of students from the same program who live together in residence. Peer Leaders are responsible for providing leadership to their cluster - 5-15 students in the PACS program - so that they participate in and benefit from the initiatives of the LLC. This is a paid position. Applications are due by Friday, April 5th, 2019.
Career-Focused Workshop for Graduating Students
Date: March 29th
Time: 1:00-4:00pm
Location: William C. Tatham Centre (TC), Room 1112
Cost: Free
Finishing your bachelor's degree in 2018-19? Preparing for your next career move? In this highly interactive, self-reflective workshop you will have the opportunity to assess your key values, interests and employment-ready skills to make informed career decisions after you graduate. You will also learn to articulate relevant skills from your academic and work experience and apply your learning to create persuasive, evidence based bullets for your résumé.
Note: please sign up at least one day in advance.
Pre-Summit Keynote: Socio-Cultural and Political Implications of Artificial Intelligence
Date: March 29th
Time: 7:00-9:30pm
Location: Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), Auditorium
Cost: Free
Jaron Lanier is a computer scientist, composer, artist, and author who writes on numerous topics, including high-technology business, the social impact of technology, the philosophy of consciousness and information, Internet politics, and the future of humanism. he has received numerous awards for his work, including recognition as one of Time Magazine's 100 most influential people and a Lifetime Career Award. There will be a book signing and reception following the lecture (beginning 8:30pm).
Mobilities, Medications, and Institutional Mazes: Ethical and Practical Dilemmas for People with Illness and Disability
Date: April 1st
Location: Balsillie School of International Affairs, Room 1-43
Cost: Free
Canadian federal immigration law and policy excludes people with illness and disability on medical grounds. In this lecture, Dr. Laura Bisaillon will examine the impediments to migration and mobility produced through health-related policies at federal and provincial levels. This examination of medical inadmissibility will use both the broader social implications and the lived experiences from the gaps in provincial health and social care, and pharmaceutical coverage, that people with illness or disability face.
Campus Access: Rights and Resources
Date: April 2nd
Location: Needles Hall, Room 1403
Cost: Free
Discover accessibility rights and resources for UW students and employees with a disability, medical condition or mental illness. Everyone is welcome!
Socio-Cultural and Political Implications of Artificial Intelligence Summit
Start: April 3rd at 6:30pm
End: April 4th at 5:00pm
Location: Balsillie School of International Affairs
Cost: Free
This two day Summit will showcase the research of Global Engagement Seminar (GES) students to hopefully engage in discussions about the Impacts of Artificial Intelligence. Topics such as automation of jobs, corporate ownership, biases of algorithms, and privacy concerns will be addressed. The objective is to contribute towards the development of meaningful responses to timely global issues. The summit will display interactive student exhibitions and will include round table discussions and keynote addresses.
Curing the World from Injustices? Norm Failures in the Case of Humanitarian Arms Control
Date: April 4th
Time: 12:15-1:30pm
Location: Balsillie School of International Affairs, Room 1-31
Cost: Free
Justice plays a role in many scientific disciplines, such as in Political Theory, International Law, or International Relations. Some common features can be identified in the ways these disciplines draw on issues of justice. Justice motives work in political practice as an engine for norm-building efforts. This lecture will explore how humanitarian and human rights motives provide actors with persuasive arguments that trigger initiatives on humanitarian arms control and how this can inhibit the effective implementation of global governance agreements.
Gathering Hearts and Minds to Restore the Land Network
Date: April 13th
Time: 4:30-8:30pm
Location: Conestoga College Doon Campus, Blue Room
Cost: Free
This event welcomes all community members interested in learning more about Indigenous land-based sustainability practices. Learn from local Elders and community leaders. A traditional foods meal will be served. Please bring a feast bundle (cup, plate, bowl, and utensils).
Note: registration is required as space is limited!
Jobs and Opportunities
The Ripple Effect Education Manager of Programs
The Ripple Effect Education (TREE) is currently hiring a Manager of Programs for their team! They are seeking someone who is passionate about peacemaking and conflict resolution, loves working with children ages 6-12, is driven and organized, and who wants to make the world a better place! They will be accepting applications until April 15th, 2019.
EQWIP HUBs Volunteer Positions
The EQWIP HUBs project is a global network that connects Canadian volunteers, youth participants, and international partners to strengthen sustainable youth livelihood by offering entrepreneurship and employment training to youth in Bolivia, Ghana, Indonesia, Peru, Senegal, and Tanzania. They are currently looking for individuals to fill the volunteer positions of Gender Equality Officer and Gender Equality Advisor in several of their project countries.
Israel-Palestine Study Tour
Are you interested in studying in Israel this summer? Apply for Political Science 493-002! From August 16th-30th, you will have the opportunity to travel to Israel-Palestine to meet scholars, diplomats, scientists, entrepreneurs, journalists, religious leaders, and social justice advocates.You will also get to visit major cities and sites of historic, economic, and religious significance, such as Tel Aviv, Haifa, Nazareth, Jerusalem, and Eilat. This course is eligible for PACS 395 Travel Course credit.
Note: the application deadline for this has been extended! Please apply by March 29th, 2019. Applications will be adjudicated on a first-come, first-served basis.
Canadian School of Peacebuilding
Applications are now open for the 11th annual Canadian School of Peacebuilding (CSOP), an institute of Canadian Mennonite University! It will be held June 10th-14th and June 17th-21st, 2019, in Winnipeg, Canada. Anyone who is interested in growing as a peacebuilder is welcome to apply- local and international, young and old, students, practitioners, and those brand-new to peacebuilding. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn across faith, cultural understandings, and rural and urban settings.
Note: these sessions are eligible for PACS credit! See the CSOP website or contact Rachel Reist (rreist@uwaterloo.ca) for more information.
Campus Wellness Resources
As the term draws to a close, we want to remind you about the on-campus resources for mental health provided by Campus Wellness. They offer wellness seminars, workshops, counselling services, and online resources. Make sure to take care of yourself this exam season!
Video Game Music Research Study
Marina Gallagher, a PhD student in Musicology at the University of British Columbia, is conducting a research study as part of her dissertation that measures music and landscape's impact on immersion in selected role-playing video games, She is looking to recruit fifty undergraduate students to participate on a volunteer basis.
Click HERE to download a copy of the recruitment poster if you wish to learn more about this opportunity!
Reminder about Rachel Reist
Rachel Reist, PACS Academic Advisor, will be out of the office until April 5. During this time she won’t have access to email, so if you have questions that need to be addressed, come see Rachel starting April 8th! She will generally be available in CGR 2103B Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 4:00pm.