Katy Fulfer

Associate Professor, Associate Chair of Undergraduate Studies

Areas of interest

Feminist ethics, animal and environmental ethics, bioethics, philosophy of Hannah Arendt

Areas of Graduate Supervision

  • Applied ethics, including bioethics, animal ethics, and environmental ethics
  • Most areas of Feminist Philosophy
  • Hannah Arendt

Current Research

My main research project focuses on intersectional feminist theory and home and belonging in Hannah Arendt's thought.  I also continue my research in reproductive ethics, with a focus on surrogacy and assisted reproduction.

Katy Fulfer

Selected publications

  • (with Rita A. Gardiner) “Recovering Lost Treasure? Arendt, Luxemburg, and the Influence of the ‘Peer Group’ on Revolutionary Politics.” In Rethinking Political Crisis and Collapse: Hannah Arendt and Simone Weil. Ed. By Antonio Calcagno and Mark Yenson. Lexington Books.
  • (with Janet Jones) “Solidaristic Listening.” Hypatia 39.3 (2024): 634–51. https://doi.org/10.1017/hyp.2024.20. 
  • Fulfer, Katy. “A Partial Defense of the Non-Commercialization of Surrogacy.” The Canadian Journal of Bioethics 3.3 (2020): 88-99.

Selected grants, fellowships, awards

  • From Rootlessness to Belonging: An Arendtian Critique of the Family as a Structure of Refugee Assimilation (SSHRC Insight Development Grant, 2018-2020).


  • Member, Gender and Social Justice program

Contact information
