Student resources

Graduate Studies useful links and forms

Recent books and papers

There is now a display in the Hagey Hall third floor hallway of recent books and article publications by members of the Philosophy Department. Check it out, and if you want to add a paper of yours, send a copy with a note to the Graduate Coordinator.


If you are planning to apply for jobs or post-docs during any given academic year, please let the Graduate Chair know in September, or as early as possible after that. The Graduate Chair will do their best to support your search. 


We’ll be using your uwaterloo email in our emails and lists, so please ensure that you read email sent to that address one way or another.

Scholarship list from Grad Studies Office

Learn about both internal and external awards and funding opportunities that are available for graduate students from Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. If you’d like to apply or have questions, talk to the department Graduate Coordinator. 

Centre for Teaching Excellence

  • The university's Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE) provides workshops, microteaching modules, classroom observations and other sessions that help prepare graduate students for their teaching roles.
  • Graduate students who have taken full advantage of these opportunities have subsequently reported that they had more confidence in their role as TAs and instructors and felt better prepared for university teaching.
  • Graduate Student Teaching Awards are awarded annually for excellence in teaching and teaching assistantship.


  • It is expected that graduate students will regularly attend department colloquia; these are generally held on Fridays from 3:30-5:00p.m.
  • For those of you who are new to the program, after talks by local speakers everybody is welcome to come out for drinks (usually at the Grad House), and after talks by visitors a small group of faculty and grad students take the speaker out for dinner (see “Colloquia Dinners,” below).
  • You can find out about upcoming events on the department’s events page.

Colloquia Dinners: The post-talk dinners are a great opportunity for grad students to meet philosophers from other departments and to talk philosophy.

  • To encourage more grad students to attend, the department will subsidize the cost of dinners for grad students. The department will cover up to $30 per grad student per meal, subject to the University’s accounting rules (most notably: alcohol is not covered; you are allowed to order alcohol, but you will have to pay for it yourself).
  • If you would like to come to dinner, let the Department's colloquium director know by the end of the day on the Wednesday before the talk. There will be a maximum number of grad student spaces per dinner; in the event that more people want to attend than there are spaces, the Department's colloquium director will decide who will attend and notify everybody. In practice, this will likely mean that everybody will get to attend at most one dinner this year. (However, if you are interested in attending, it is always a good idea to let the Department's colloquium director know and also to tell them if you would prefer to attend a dinner later in the term.)

University links

Other useful links

Jobs listings links