It's always great to hear from alumni! We'd love to know what you are up to, so please send an email to our Undergraduate Coordinator.
Jamie Sewell
From the Standpoint of The Reasonable Person: Epistemic Ignorance, Culpable Dispositions, and the Objective Standard
Supervisor: Patricia Marino
Lynne Sargent
The Techno-Inclusive Model of Disability: Motivations, Influences, and Applications
Supervisor: Chris Lowry
Phil Beriault
All the World's a Stage: Fictionalism, Metaphysics, and Truth
Supervisor: David DeVidi
Vanessa Correia
Harm Reduction for Corporations
Supervisor: Shannon Dea
Jim Jordan
Controlling Cyberwarfare: International Laws of Armed Conflict and Human Rights in the Cyber Realm
Supervisor: Matt Doucet
Jay Michaud
Broadening the Scope of Engaged Philosophy of Science: An Empirical Analysis of Context-Dependent Barriers
Supervisor: Katie Plaisance
Kathryn Morrison
Mature Minors Eligibility for Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD): An Ethical Analysis
Supervisor: Matt Doucet
Cait O'Donnell
Supporting Palliative Care in a Post-Carter World
Supervisor: Matt Doucet
Teresa Branch-Smith
Contextualizing Science for Value-Conscious Communication
Supervisor: Doreen Fraser and Heather Douglas
Initial position after PhD: Post-doctoral fellow at the Institut Jean Nicod (France)
Ian MacDonald
Communal Inferentialism: Charles S. Pierce's Critique of Epistemic Individualism
Supervisor: Shannon Dea
Initial position after PhD: Sessional Instructor, University of Waterloo
Catherine Klausen
Knowledge, Justice, and Subjects with Cognitive or Developmental Disability
Supervisor: David DeVidi
Initial position after PhD: Project Coordinator, The/La Collaborative
Matthew Silk
Evaluation and Value Management in Science
Supervisor: Shannon Dea
Initial position after PhD: Sessional Instructor, University of Waterloo
Andria Bianchi
Sex, Dementia, and Consent
Supervisor: Patricia Marino
Initial position after PhD: Bioethicist and Clinician-Scientist, UHN
Nathan Haydon
The Continuity of Explanation: Peircean Pragmatism, Reason, and Developing Reasonable Behavior
Supervisor: Shannon Dea
Initial position after PhD: Sessional Instructor, University of Waterloo
Sara Weaver
A Constructive Critical Assessment of Feminist Evolutionary Psychology
Supervisor: Carla Fehr
Initial position after PhD: Senior Research Analyst, Department of Education, Culture and Employment, Government of the Northwest Territories
Peter Blouw
Inferential Role Semantics for Natural Language
Supervisor: Chris Eliasmith
Initial position after PhD: Research Scientist, Applied Brain Research, Inc
Ashley Keefner
How Prejudice Affects the Study of Animal Minds
Supervisor: Paul Thagard (retired)
Initial position after PhD: Master of Business student, Entrepreneurship and Technology Program at the University of Waterloo & Co-Founder, Business Strategy at CataLight
G V Ramesh Prasad
The Emergence of a New Human Superorganism after Organ Transplantation
Supervisor: Paul Thagard (retired)
Position after PhD: Staff Nephrologist, St. Michael's Hospital (ongoing throughout degree) & Professor of Medicine, University of Toronto
Catherine Gee
Authenticity and Enhancement
Supervisor: Matt Doucet
Benjamin Nelson
The Depiction of Unwritten Law
Supervisor: Brian Orend
Initial position after PhD: Online Course Facilatator, University of Waterloo
Rosalind Abdool
The Ethics of Deception in Caregiving: A Patient-Centered Approach
Supervisor: Patricia Marino
Initial position after PhD: Ethicist, Trillium Health Partners
Corey Edward Mulvihill
Existence Assumptions and Logical Principles: Choice Operators in Intuitionistic Logic
Supervisor: Dave DeVidi
Position after PhD: Replacement Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa
Natalie Evans
Agency and Autonomy: A New Direction for Animal Ethics
Supervisor: Patricia Marino
Initial position after PhD: Sessional Instructor, University of Guelph, Humber College campus
Current position: Professor of Media Studies & Philosophy, University of Guelph-Humber
Tracy Finn
Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Case Study in Causation and Explanation in Psychiatric Conditions
Supervisor: Paul Thagard (retired)
Initial position after PhD: Sessional Instructor, Conestoga College
Current position: Corporate Trainer, Arvato Bertelsmann North America
Kurt Holukoff
Politics, Principles and Pluralism: On Why Liberalism Must be Inconsistent if Correct
Supervisor: Dave DeVidi
Micheal Joseph McEwan
A Study of the Discursive Aspect of Scientific Theorizing and Modeling
Supervisor: Patricia Marino
Greg Cote
Utilitarian Cops: Jeremy Bentham and The Rise of Modern Policing
Maddy Kenyon
Speaking of 'Violence'
Kyle Adams
Deception in Data Visualization
Andrew Allison
Fractional-Reserve Banking and the Double Title to Property Problem
Ashley Raspopovic
Anti-Obesity Public Health vs. Fat Acceptance: Impacts on 'Fat' as a Marginalized Identity
Scott Merzger
Semiosis and the Crisis of Meaning: Continuity and Play in Peirce and Derrida
Oliver Oxton
Skeptics and Unruly Connectives: A Defence of and Amendment to the Non-Factualist Justification of Logic
David Park
Does Knowledge Entail Belief?
Haider Riaz
The Phenomenological Origins of Property
Jay Solanki
Harm Reduction is a Social Movement
Sajad Abdallah
The Evolution of Reason
Eric Nicholas Bohner
A Defense of the Public Health-Quarantine Model of Punishment in Light of Obligations of the State to the Wrongdoer
Samantha Hershey
Ethical Pluralism and Informed Consent in Canadian Health Care: Exploring Accommodations and Limitations
Jonathan Simard
Psychological and Phenomenological Perspectives on the Hard Problem of Consciousness
Vanessa Lam
Ethical Leadership for Machiavellians in Business
After completing MA: entered the PhD program at University of Waterloo
Ananya Chattoraj
The Role of Concrete Models in the Revolution in Superconductivity
David Issac
Values and Co-production: Examining the Interface of Indigenous Peoples’ Understandings and Scientific Understandings
Catherine Klausen
Autonomy and Moral Obligation: People with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
After completing MA: entered the PhD program at University of Waterloo
Alexandra Kraushaar
The Nature of Pluralism in Economics: A Case Study of the Gender Wage Gap
Emily Metcalfe
Crime Prevention in a World without Free Will: Derk Pereboom’s Quarantine Analogy
Kathryn Morrison
Disciplinary Inequality, Collective Agency, and Interprofessional Collaboration in Health Care
After completing MA: entered the PhD program at University of Waterloo
Jody Tomchishen
In Defense of Moral Responsibility Skepticism
Teresa Branch-Smith
Reducing the Emergence of the Gaps: Computation for Weak Emergence
After completing MA: entered the PhD program at University of Waterloo
Nicholas Ferenz
A Preservationist Approach to Relevant Logic
Christine Liebig
On Brands - An Investigation into the Nature of Consumer Brands: Are They Real or Constructed?
Ayokunle Ogunshola
Private Property Rights: An Indispensable Moral Foundation of Society
G V Ramesh Prasad
Transplantation and the Nature of the Immune Self
After completing MA: entered the PhD program at University of Waterloo
Ashley Keefner
Do Birds Have a Theory of Mind
After completing MA: entered the PhD program at University of Waterloo
Janet Michaud
A Hybrid Theory of Evidence
After completing MA: entered the PhD program at University of Waterloo
Amanda Plain
Renaturalizing the Individual with Borderline Personality Disorder