Undergraduate advising contacts

Associate Chair of Undergraduate Studies

Katy Fulfer
Email: philug@uwaterloo.ca
Contact regarding undergraduate program information, including advice about course planning, becoming a Philosophy major or minor, plan modifications, and academic standing.

Drop-in advising Thursdays 2:30 pm - 3:30 p.m. and by appointment (no office hours June 6th, June 13th, and June 27th)

Connect with online through Zoom: You will be put in a waiting room when you join the meeting. If I am with another student, you may be in the waiting room for a few minutes.
Meeting link
Meeting ID: 973 2724 5799
Passcode: 297677

Undergraduate Coordinator 

Heather Eustace 
email: philug@uwaterloo.ca

Contact regarding course scheduling, enrollment issues, website updates, and general inquiries. 

Associate Chair Graduate Studies

Chris Lowry
Email: philgradchair@uwaterloo.ca
Contact regarding graduate program information, and academic standing.

Graduate Coordinator

Philosophy and Applied Philosophy MA and PhD programs
Ashley Price
email: ashley.price@uwaterloo.ca

Contact regarding graduate application and admission, course enrollment, funding, and general inquiries

Department Chair

Mathieu Doucet
Email: chair.philosophy@uwaterloo.ca
please email for an appointment

Please contact us by email for all inquiries. Thank you.