Christopher R Lowry (on leave)

Associate Professor

Areas of interest

Social and political philosophy, bioethics, and applied ethics

Current Research

I work in political philosophy and bioethics focusing on egalitarianism, disability, capabilities, and justice.  A further project concerns philosophical methodology, drawing on and developing ideas from Rawls.  I am available to supervise students across all of these areas.

Chris Lowry headshot

Selected Publications

  • "Sen's Capability Critique." In John Rawls: Debating the Major Questions, edited by Sarah Roberts-Cady and Jon Mandle. Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming.
  • “Universalism, Vulnerability, and Egalitarianism.” In From Disability Theory to Practice, edited by Christopher A. Riddle. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2018
  • Lowry, Christopher. “Perfectionism for Neutralists.” Journal of Social Philosophy 42/4 (2011): 382-402.

Selected grants, fellowships, awards

  • Mitacs Accelerate. "Developmental Disability, Independent Facilitation, and Citizenship." Academic Supervisor for Catherine Klausen's internship with Facilitation Wellington Dufferin. 2016.

Selected supervisions

  • Theories of Justice and Cognitive Disability

  • Distributive Justice, Global Justice, and Human Rights

  • Ethics and Bioethics

Contact information
519-888-4567  x42781
Office: HH 322A