Katy Fulfer

Associate Professor, Associate Chair of Undergraduate Studies
Portrait of Katy Fulfer

Areas of interest

Feminist ethics, animal and environmental ethics, bioethics, philosophy of Hannah Arendt

Areas of Graduate Supervision

  • Applied ethics, including bioethics, animal ethics, and environmental ethics
  • Most areas of Feminist Philosophy
  • Hannah Arendt

Current Research

My main research project focuses on intersectional feminist theory and home and belonging in Hannah Arendt's thought.  I also continue my research in reproductive ethics, with a focus on surrogacy and assisted reproduction.

Selected publications

  • "Self-Sufficiency for Surrogacy and Responsibility for Global Structural Injustice." In Surrogacy in Canada: Critical Perspectives in Law and Policy. Ed. Vanessa Gruben, Alana Cattapan, and Angela Cameron. Toronto: Irwin Law, 2018. 

  • (with Rita A. Gardiner) "Family Matters: An Arendtian Critique of Organizational Structures." Gender, Work & Organization 24.5 (2017): 506-18.

  • (with Patrick Clipsham) “An Anti-Commodification Defense of Veganism.” Ethics, Policy & Environment 19.3 (2016): 285-300.

Selected grants, fellowships, awards

  • From Rootlessness to Belonging: An Arendtian Critique of the Family as a Structure of Refugee Assimilation (SSHRC Insight Development Grant, 2018-2020).


  • Member, Gender and Social Justice program

Contact information

519-888-4567  x41675
Office: HH 324