Mathieu Doucet

Associate Professor, Department Chair
Mathieu Doucet portrait

Areas of interest

Ethics, moral psychology

Areas of Graduate Supervision

  • Ethics
  • Moral psychology
  • Bioethics

Current Research

My current research project focuses on the ethics of drug policy. Many arguments about drugs and drug policy implicitly assume an account of both the nature and the harms of addiction. My project aims to unpack these assumptions, with the aim of contributing to a more just and ethical approach to drug policy.

Selected publications

  • ‘Culpable Ignorance and Mental Disorders’ (with Dylon McChesney), Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy (forthcoming).

  • ‘Just Say No (For Now): Te Ethics of Illegal Drug Use’ Law, Ethics, and Philosophy (2017)

  • ‘What is the Role of Regret in Weakness of Will?” Philosophical Psychology (2016)

Selected grants, fellowships, awards

  • SSHRC Insight Development Grant, 2014-16

Selected supervisions

  • Cathy Gee, PhD Dissertation. ‘Authenticity and Enhancement’ (2016)
  • Eric Bohner, MA Thesis, Justification of Punishment and Obligations to the Wrongdoer (2017)
  • Kathryn Morrison, PhD Research Area, 'Medical Assistance in Dying' (2016) 


  • Member, Clinical Research Ethics Committee, University of Waterloo
  • Member, Centre for Bioengineering and Biotechnology

Contact information

519-888-4567 x42824
Location: HH 328
