HS20 – Athlete Therapy Files

Records of health and therapy services provided to University athletes.

This records class is a Personal Information Bank.

Responsible Unit | Information Steward | Information Confidentiality Classification | Retention | Disposition | Authority | Retention RationaleVersion Information

Content & Scope

Athletic therapy services are provided to University athletes by a team of certified athletic therapists and student therapists. Athletes may also be assessed or treated by a physician.

The records include forms such as athlete information forms, varsity athlete health assessment questionnaires, and annual medical update forms; records of assessments and follow-up treatments; incident and injury reports for Waterloo and visiting students; and related correspondence.

Responsible Unit

Athletics and Recreation.

Information Steward

Associate Provost, Students.

Information Confidentiality Classification

Highly Restricted.


10 years after last entry in file.


Secure Destruction.


Responsible Units should document the disposal/destruction of official records using the University records destruction form or equivalent documentation, to verify that we are following our records retention rules.


  • University of Waterloo Act, 1972.
  • O.Reg 114/94 under the Medicine Act, 1991.

Retention Rationale

Since athlete therapy files may contain medical records, the retention period is based on O. Reg. 114/94, s. 19 (1) under the Medicine Act, 1991, which specifies a minimum retention period of 10 years after last entry.

Approval Date

19 December 2011