Bordeaux- Waterloo Joint Grants


The University of Waterloo (UW) and the University of Bordeaux (UBx) are delighted to announce the official launch of their 2023 joint call for proposals to support collaborative projects between our campuses. This joint program is the result of a solid partnership that goes back more than a decade with multiple joint funding calls that have nurtured many successful collaborations to date. Both institutions wish to further develop these collaborations with dedicated funds.

Call for proposals - 2023

The Priority Research Topic for this competition is 'Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning for Sensors and/or Material Discovery’. With support from the Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology (WIN), Waterloo.AI and the University of Bordeaux (UBx), the program will foster interdisciplinary research between international partners for “high risk-high reward” blue-sky discoveries typically not supported by traditional granting agencies. The intent of the program is to kickstart research that could provide some initial data points and insights as a first step in targeting various established joint funding programs, such as NSERC Alliance International, NFRF-International, and ANR (French national research agency), or Horizon Europe.

The expectation is that the proposal objectives will align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and have the potential for societal benefit.

Preference will be given to submissions that will lead to the creation of new UBx-UW teams working on this Priority Research Topic, and to the establishment of long-term collaboration, potentially through the creation of novel research platforms involving personnel from UW and UBx.


Each joint applicant team requires at least four (4) lead investigators:

  • From UW, there must be at least one full-time faculty core-member of WIN and one member of Waterloo.AI.
  • From UBx, there must be at least one with strong expertise in AI and one with strong expertise in material science.
  • Other Investigators may be included as the project requires.
  • Individuals may participate (as PI or co-I) on only one application to this competition.

Available funding

The maximum total grant (for both UW and UBx teams) is up to $50,000 CAD (or ~€35,000) for a term of one year. The project budget will be shared equally between the Waterloo and Bordeaux teams (i.e $25K for UW, ~€17.5K for UBx). Total funding available for the competition is $100,000 CAD (for UW) and €70,000 (~$100,000 CAD for UBx), to fund up to 4 Bordeaux-Waterloo joint proposals.

Submission instructions

Deadline: July 10, 2023 (6pm in Waterloo/Midnight in Bordeaux)

Combine the application form (available via this link)  and attachments into a single pdf file and submit your application directly below.

An e-Cover sheet must be submitted by the deadline for all UW applicants.

An e-Cover sheet signed by Research department directors is incorporated into the application form and must be submitted by the deadline for all UBx applicants.

Applicants must use a standard, single-column on an 8.5” x 11” or A4 page layout. The proposal must be written using a 12-point, black-coloured font, single line spacing (six lines per inch) and with no condensed type or spacing, with a margin of no less than 2.5 centimetres (1 inch) around the page.

Applications documents

Curriculum Vitae:  a short CV for each of the lead researchers (maximum 3 pages each)

Plain language summary (in application form): 1500 characters maximum

Keywords (in application form): up to 5 keywords

Description of Proposed Collaboration (5 pages max.)

  • Include an introduction, background, objectives, methodology, key challenges/problems the project will address, how it is innovative, how practices promoting equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) will be incorporated, and a dissemination plan.
  • Briefly state the key areas of expertise of the researchers involved.
  • Explain the complementary nature of the project and the value-added as a result of the collaboration and how it aligns with both institutions’ strategies.

Expected Outcomes and Impacts (3 pages max.)

  • Briefly state expected scientific advances, technology development, policy formulation, new training program, scholarship, and societal benefit(s)/transitions, and how the outcomes align with UN SDGs.
  • Provide plan for future funding and explain how the UW-UBx team will proceed to ensure the sustainability of the activities.
  • Describe potential evidence of research outcomes for this collaboration (eg. Publications, joint extramural grant application, etc.)

References (1 page)

Budget (in application form)

  • Provide a separate budget table and justification for the UW and UBx teams, reflecting an equal share of funding between teams. Eligible budget categories include travel, conference and dissemination costs, research operating costs, trainee stipends/salary, and minor equipment. 80 % of the UW budget must be allocated to the direct hiring of HQP/research personnel.

Evaluation procedure

Applications will be evaluated by a joint Bordeaux-Waterloo Review Committee, co-chaired by the UW Associate Vice-President, Research and International and the UBx Vice-President International Networks. Reviewers will be recruited from both institutions and will include experts in AI, sensors, materials, and nanomaterials.

Evaluation criteria include:

  • Innovation of project
  • Feasibility of project
  • Value of complementary expertise of research team with evidence of upholding EDI principles
  • Potential impact and societal benefit of project outcomes, such as making progress towards meeting the UN SDGs
  • Dissemination plan
  • Viability of plan for future funding        

Questions / comments

Please direct any questions or comments to Leslie Copp, Director, FANS, Office of Research (UW) at: and/or Anne Blassiau, International Cooperation Officer (UBx) at: