Task Force on Principles for Institutional Partnerships

Community engagement

Thank you to all University community members who submitted recommendations online and participated in focus groups and the in-person forum. Your engagement in this process has been very important in shaping this work.

The submission form is now closed.The Task Force has completed a draft report outlining suggested principles for institutional partnerships and a set of recommendations to the University. We are working to finalize the details, and aim to submit the final report to University leadership early in January.

If you have any questions, please email the Task Force at taskforce-partnerships@uwaterloo.ca

Task Force membership 

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Task Force on Principles for Institutional Partnerships. The membership of the Task Forces is listed below.  We are grateful for all the nominations received and to those who provided feedback for the selection process.  


  • Christiane Lemieux - co-Chair – Faculty   
  • Ian Milligan - co-Chair – Faculty  
  • Suman Armitage – Staff   
  • Jennifer Clapp – Faculty   
  • Samantha Meyer – Faculty   
  • Bessma Momani – Faculty   
  • Maia Norman – Student   
  • Josh Neufeld – Faculty   
  • Catherine Rosenberg – Faculty   
  • Michael Saunders – Student   
  • Andrew Thompson – Staff 

A resource group, which includes administrators from various units across the university, will also support the work of the task force.

If you have any questions about the task force, please email taskforce-partnerships@uwaterloo.ca


The Task Force will:

  • Review the University's existing policies and procedures related to institutional partnerships;
  • Conduct an environmental scan of work being done on institutional partnerships by institutions, such as peer universities in the U15, as well as other international approaches; and
  • Develop a set of principles that will ensure a consistent and transparent approach to institutional partnerships that reflect institutional values.


The process to reach the objectives outlined above, including broad consultation with the University community and relevant stakeholders, should aim to conclude by the end of the calendar year.

Reporting and communication

The Task Force shall provide regular updates on its progress to the Office of the Vice-President, Research and International. The final report and recommended principles shall be submitted to the President and shared with the Board of Governors and the broader community. The report and administrative response will be publicly posted. Any proposed development or revision of policies or guidelines will follow the appropriate governance pathways.


The University of Waterloo engages in partnerships through many of its portfolios. These include, for example, corporate partnerships, co-operative education, advancement, international research, and international academic experiences. The offices that manage these partnerships, both individually and in some cases collectively, have developed principles and processes for such partnership engagements. The Task Force on Principles for Institutional Partnerships will connect into this existing work and will also be supported by advisors who manage partnerships and subject matter experts from across the University community, including relevant support units.

The University of Waterloo engages in ongoing discussions around our institutional partnerships in accordance with our community and institutional values. The Vice-President, Research & International provides regular updates on new institutional research partnerships through standing reports to Senate. 

In addition to reviewing the principles and practices that currently exist across the University, the Task Force will explore the development of an overarching set of institutional principles that will provide our community with clear and consistent guidance on engaging with institutional partners. This will be done through wide consultation with the University community.

The University of Waterloo's new values – presented to the Board of Governors in June – along with our existing and ongoing commitment to Indigenization, equity, diversity, inclusion and anti-racism, as well as recently developed safeguarding research principles, recent events and community discussions on what we value as a University, mean that an inclusive conversation is required on the subject of our institutional partnerships. This work will consider the institution's legal obligations, including sanctions, and the recently announced federal research security policy. The Task Force will also build on the new principles which emerged from the Task Force on Freedom of Expression.

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