Policy 76/77 modifications

Impact of modifications to Policy 76/77 regarding eligibility to hold research funding

Eligibility to hold research funding for scholarship in teaching and learning:

Teaching stream faculty are eligible to apply for and hold funding for scholarship in teaching and learning, per the University's Framework for Teaching Effectiveness, subject to approval by the Chair/Director and Dean (or delegate). This may be as the Principal Investigator or a co-investigator for either internal or external funding. 

Eligibility to hold research funding for scholarship outside the scope of teaching and learning:

The modifications to Policy 76/77 state that teaching stream faculty normally do not have a scholarship weighting greater than zero, while there may be exceptional cases where a teaching stream faculty appointment may have a non-zero weighting for scholarship. For those exceptional cases where research outside of the scope of teaching and learning is provided for in the faculty appointment workload, the Chair/Director will provide a copy of the appointment letter or documentation of a temporary adjustment of weightings in accordance with 13.5.5 of the Memorandum of Agreement between the University and FAUW duly signed by the Chair and Dean, denoting the non-zero weighting for scholarship, to be held on file in the Office of Research. Only teaching stream faculty with a non-zero weighting in scholarship will be eligible to apply for and hold funding either as a Principal Investigator or a co-investigator for research outside the scope of teaching and learning. Any research funding to be held by any faculty member, including teaching stream faculty members, is subject to approval by the Chair/Director and Dean (or delegate) taking into account a variety of factors including but not limited to the resource implications of the project for the University, and the eligibility requirements of the sponsor or funding program must also be met (examples of such requirements are included in Appendix A).

As is the case for all research funding applications, the teaching stream faculty member must submit an e-coversheet in advance of the application submission. The e-coversheet provides the Chair/Director and Dean approvals.

Appendix A

The following summaries provide the eligibility details of relevance to the permanent-track and permanent teaching stream faculty at University of Waterloo. Full eligibility criteria are found at the hyperlinked sites. Also note these requirements may change over time, so should always be confirmed for each competition.

NSERC eligibility requirements for faculty to apply for or hold NSERC grant funds include:

  • Applicants must hold or have a firm offer of an academic appointment. The appointment can be a tenured, tenure-track or professor emeritus position, or a term or contract position of no less than three continuous years.
  • The appointment must require the faculty to engage in natural sciences and engineering research that is not under the direction of another individual and permits the supervision or co-supervision of the research (not course or laboratory assignments) of postdoctoral fellows or students registered in an undergraduate or graduate degree program.

CIHR eligibility requirements for faculty to apply for or hold CIHR grant funds include:

Applicants must be an independent researcher, which is an individual who:

  • is autonomous regarding their research activities; and
  • has an academic or research appointment which:
    • must commence by the effective date of funding; and
    • allows the individual to pursue the proposed research project, to engage in independent research activities for the entire duration of the funding, to supervise trainees (if applicable, as per their institution’s policy), and to publish the research results; and
    • obliges the individual to conform to institutional regulations concerning the conduct of research, the supervision of trainees, and the employment conditions of staff paid with CIHR funding.

SSHRC eligibility requirements for faculty to apply for or hold SSHRC grant funds include:

  • For most funding opportunities (including Insight Grants, Insight Development Grants, Partnership Engage Grants, Partnership Development Grants, Partnership Grants, and Connection Grants) applicants must be affiliated with a Canadian postsecondary institution. Eligibility criteria specific to each funding opportunity are detailed in the individual descriptions.

Environmental Research & Education Foundation eligibility requirements include:

  • Principal investigators (PI) must be qualified to do the work proposed and should be experts in the subject matter referenced in the pre-proposal/proposal. Typically, this would include full-time faculty at academic institutions.
  • Non-U.S. institutions may apply.

Canadian Association for University Continuing Education (CAUCE) eligibility requirements include:

  • Principal Investigator must be employed with a university with an institutional membership with CAUCE (Waterloo is a member), and the university must remain a member for the duration of the project.

Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) eligibility requirements include:

  • Principal investigators must be a 3M National Teaching fellow via STLHE.

Memorandum from Charmaine B. Dean, Vice-President, Research and International on 2024-09-18.