General Guidelines
Internal charge definition
An internal billing for supplies/consumables or an identifiable service from one University of Waterloo department or organization unit to another.
General authorization requirements
Every purchase charged to a research account (fund 105), in whole or in part, must be authorized in writing by the principal investigator (PI) or a delegated signing authority.
Authorization must be documented at the time of the purchase, immediately following the purchase, or upon the receipt of a statement. Signature authorizations must be dated so that evidence exists of when the authorization was made.
In addition to these general guidelines, refer to authorization and documentation information specific to the scenarios below. It's the PI’s responsibility to ensure that all purchases charged to their research accounts are authorized.
General supporting documentation requirements
Every purchase charged to a research account (fund 105), in whole or in part, must be supported by appropriate documentation. Generally, this documentation is in the form of a receipt, invoice, purchase confirmation, or statement provided by the internal charge source.
Ensuring that appropriate documentation exists and is retained is a shared responsibility: it's the responsibility of the internal charge source to provide the documentation and the responsibility of the PI to obtain and retain the documentation.
Supporting documentation must include:
- The account and posting attribute to which the purchase is charged
- A description of the item(s) or service(s)
- The amount of the expenditure and where applicable, the method of calculation or attribution must be included (e.g. the number of hours used and the hourly rate)
- Authorization
- The time period during which the service has been (or will be) provided (as relevant)
Supporting documentation (including authorization) must be retained for seven years from the transaction date and be available for audit purposes. It's the responsibility of the PI and/or their department/institute/school to determine how documents are retained in their unit. Refer to the University’s record management policy for more information.