General Research Fund guidelines (NSERC and SSHRC only)


A General Research Fund (GRF) is a special account under the authority of the president of the University of Waterloo into which residual funds of expired or terminated grants are transferred with the authorization of the granting agencies (NSERC and SSHRC only). The president has delegated the signing authority for the GRF to the VP, Research and International. In accordance with Tri-Agency regulations, the University uses these funds to support research in the fields of natural sciences and engineering or in the social sciences and humanities, respectively.


Residual funds are defined as an amount corresponding to 50 per cent or less of the total grant funds received. If a greater than 50 per cent amount remains in the grant it is deemed unspent and will not go to the University’s GRF but will be reimbursed to the Tri-Agency. This rule applies to NSERC and SSHRC only.

The grantee is the principal investigator who is leading the research project and the applicant for the GRF.

Disbursement of the GRF

Permission to access GRF funds is not automatic and must be fully justified in terms of an ongoing research program or new initiative. Within two months of being notified of the balance at the NSERC/SSHRC grant end date, the previous grant holder may apply in writing to the VP, Research and International for permission to access the funds. A GRF account will be setup in the grantee’s name for the amount of funds approved by the VP, Research and International with the grantee having signing authority on those funds. Funds cannot be transferred to another institution.

General principles

  • Applications to the GRF will only be approved for balances greater than $500
  • If no request has been made within two months of being notified of the balance, the funds will become part of the University’s GRF and will not be accessible to the grantee
  • The Tri-agency requires the University to spend at least 50 per cent of its opening GRF balance during the year in order to spend funds in a timely manner, for GRF applications of $10,000 and less access to funds is limited to a maximum of one year; for applications over $10,000 the grant period will be determined on a case by case basis

Application requirements

  • A written request including scope of work, budget and budget justification emailed to:
    • For NSERC: UW NSERC, Office of Research
    • For SSHRC: UW SSHRC, Office of Research
  • An approved Electronic Office of Research Cover Sheet
  • VP, Research and International approval (to be arranged by Office of Research)

Use of GRF funds

The policies and requirements of the agencies stated in the Tri-Agency Guide on Financial Administration apply at all times to the use of GRF funds. Indirect or overhead costs, such as costs associated with facilities and basic utilities, the purchase and repair of office equipment, administration fees, insurance for research equipment and vehicles, and basic communication devices such as telephones and fax machines, are not eligible.

Eligibility of expenses

All expenses must follow the approved application budget; any deviations from the original budget must receive prior authorization from UW NSERC for NSERC or UW SSHRC for SSHRC.

Eligibility of the grantee

Grantees must retain NSERC/SSHRC eligibility throughout the GRF grant period.

Duration of GRF account

Any funds remaining at the end of the GRF grant period will be automatically returned to the University’s GRF and subsequent applications or extensions to GRF grants will not be considered.