Definition of course-based research

  • Objective of project/data collection is for the student to acquire skills involved with conducting academic and scholarly research in a rigorous manner.
  • The student is not the primary beneficiary of the activity
  • Results may be shared with classmates or professors and are intended to generate generalizable (and new) knowledge from which others might benefit even if this does not actually occur.
  • Course syllabus includes an objective which deals with the need for the student to acquire research skills
  • Typically characterized as research in syllabus, evaluation scheme/rubric, and descriptions.
  • Evaluation criteria include an assessment of the quality of the research conducted
  • While pedagogical in nature, results intend to reflect scholarly or academic traditions and customary approaches used in the discipline
  • Process used is systematic, rigorous, and intended to generate knowledge according to scholarly or academic traditions within the discipline
  • Participants are typically drawn from populations outside of the University of Waterloo
  • Findings and results are typically not disseminated beyond the classroom or department but is of sufficient quality that it could be via posters, seminar presentations, articles
  • Does not include research papers/projects designated as “thesis” at either undergraduate or graduate level and course title and description makes no mention and there is no intention of the research being a “thesis”

Course-based research is typically restricted to activities that:

  • pose no greater than minimal risk to participants,
  • do not involve partial disclosure nor deception, and
  • do not include participants who are vulnerable such as children, institutionalized elderly, cognitive impaired individuals, or persons who are not able to legally consent to participate in the research.

Course-based research typically use methods involving:

  • Structured or semi-structured Interviews with key informants working in a particular area/field (e.g., professors, not-for-profit organizations, employers)
  • Surveys with family/friends/other students/members of the general public
  • Focus groups/group interviews with employees or members of an organization or group

Course-based research typically does not involve:


Professional skill development and entrepreneurial activities - may not require ethics review

Exceptions - activities that require ethics review