
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Lee, Y., Kim, B., Kim, Y., & Li, X.. (2011). Degradation of gas diffusion layers through repetitive freezing. Applied energy, 88(12), 5111-5119. Elsevier.
Nikooee, E., Karimi, G., & Li, X.. (2011). Determination of the effective thermal conductivity of gas diffusion layers in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells: a comprehensive fractal approach. International Journal of Energy Research, 35(15), 1351-1359. Wiley Online Library.
Li, X.. (2011). Green Energy. Springer.
Lee, Y., Kim, B., Kim, Y., & Li, X.. (2011). Effects of a microporous layer on the performance degradation of proton exchange membrane fuel cells through repetitive freezing. Journal of Power Sources, 196(4), 1940-1947. Elsevier.
Abu-Ramadan, E., Saha, K., & Li, X.. (2011). Modeling of the injection and decomposition processes of urea-water-solution spray in automotive scr systems. SAE Technical Paper.
Zamel, N., Li, X., Becker, J., & Wiegmann, A.. (2011). Effect of liquid water on transport properties of the gas diffusion layer of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36(9), 5466-5478. Elsevier.
Das, P. K., Li, X., Xie, Z., & Liu, Z. ‐S.. (2011). Effects of catalyst layer structure and wettability on liquid water transport in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell. International Journal of Energy Research, 35(15), 1325-1339. Wiley Online Library.
Teertstra, P., Karimi, G., & Li, X.. (2011). Measurement of in-plane effective thermal conductivity in PEM fuel cell diffusion media. Electrochimica Acta, 56(3), 1670-1675. Elsevier.
Park, J., & Li, X.. (2011). An analytical analysis on the cross flow in a PEM fuel cell with serpentine flow channel. International Journal of Energy Research, 35(7), 583-593. Wiley Online Library.
Wang, Y., S Shakhshir, A., & Li, X.. (2011). Development and impact of sandwich wettability structure for gas distribution media on PEM fuel cell performance. Applied energy, 88(6), 2168-2175. Elsevier.
Hassanzadeh, H., Li, X., Baschuk, J. J., & Mansouri, S. H.. (2011). Numerical simulation of laminar flow development with heat and mass transfer in PEM fuel cell flow channels having oxygen and hydrogen suction at one channel wall. International Journal of Energy Research, 35(8), 670-689. Wiley Online Library.
Jiao, K., Alaefour, I. E., & Li, X.. (2011). Three-dimensional non-isothermal modeling of carbon monoxide poisoning in high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells with phosphoric acid doped polybenzimidazole membranes. Fuel, 90(2), 568-582. Elsevier.
Jiao, K., Alaefour, I. E., Karimi, G., & Li, X.. (2011). Cold start characteristics of proton exchange membrane fuel cells. international journal of hydrogen energy, 36(18), 11832-11845. Elsevier.
Zamel, N., Litovsky, E., Shakhshir, S., Li, X., & Kleiman, J.. (2011). Measurement of in-plane thermal conductivity of carbon paper diffusion media in the temperature range of− 20° C to+ 120° C. Applied energy, 88(9), 3042-3050. Elsevier.
Zamel, N., Litovsky, E., Li, X., & Kleiman, J.. (2011). Measurement of the through-plane thermal conductivity of carbon paper diffusion media for the temperature range from− 50 to+ 120° C. international journal of hydrogen energy, 36(19), 12618-12625. Elsevier.
Mondal, B., Jiao, K., & Li, X.. (2011). Three‐dimensional simulation of water droplet movement in PEM fuel cell flow channels with hydrophilic surfaces. International Journal of Energy Research, 35(13), 1200-1212. Wiley Online Library.
Abu‐Ramadan, E., Saha, K., & Li, X.. (2011). Modeling the depleting mechanism of urea‐water‐solution droplet for automotive selective catalytic reduction systems. AIChE Journal, 57(11), 3210-3225. Wiley Online Library.
Jiao, K., Alaefour, I. E., Karimi, G., & Li, X.. (2011). Simultaneous measurement of current and temperature distributions in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell during cold start processes. Electrochimica Acta, 56(8), 2967-2982. Elsevier.
Jiao, K., & Li, X.. (2011). Water transport in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 37(3), 221-291. Elsevier.
Zamel, N., & Li, X.. (2011). Effect of contaminants on polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 37(3), 292-329. Elsevier.
