
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Zamel, N., Astrath, N. G. C., Li, X., Shen, J., Zhou, J., Astrath, F. B. G., Wang, H., et al. (2010). Experimental measurements of effective diffusion coefficient of oxygen–nitrogen mixture in PEM fuel cell diffusion media. Chemical Engineering Science, 65(2), 931-937. Elsevier.
Das, P. K., Li, X., & Liu, Z. - S.. (2010). Effective transport coefficients in PEM fuel cell catalyst and gas diffusion layers: beyond Bruggeman approximation. Applied Energy, 87(9), 2785-2796. Elsevier.
Jiao, K., & Li, X.. (2009). 3-D Multiphase Cold Start Model for PEMFCs. ASME 2009 7th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Jiao, K., Sun, H., Li, X., Wu, H., Krivitzky, E., Schram, T., & Larosiliere, L. M.. (2009). Numerical investigation of the influence of variable diffuser vane angles on the performance of a centrifugal compressor. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 223(8), 1061-1070. Sage Publications Sage UK: London, England.
Jiao, K., Li, X., Sun, H., Schram, T., Krivitzky, E., & Larosiliere, L. M.. (2009). Numerical Investigation of Advanced Compressor Technologies to Meet Future Diesel Emission Regulations. SAE Technical Paper.
Wilkinson, D. P., Zhang, J., Hui, R., Fergus, J., & Li, X.. (2009). Proton exchange membrane fuel cells: materials properties and performance. CRC Press.
Wu, H., Li, X., & Berg, P.. (2009). On the modeling of water transport in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. Electrochimica Acta, 54(27), 6913-6927. Elsevier.
Jiao, K., Sun, H., Li, X., Wu, H., Krivitzky, E., Schram, T., & Larosiliere, L. M.. (2009). Numerical simulation of air flow through turbocharger compressors with dual volute design. Applied Energy, 86(11), 2494-2506. Elsevier.
Hofman, K., & Li, X.. (2009). Canada’s energy perspectives and policies for sustainable development. Applied Energy, 86(4), 407-415. Elsevier.
Karimi, G., Jafarpour, F., & Li, X.. (2009). Characterization of flooding and two-phase flow in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell stacks. Journal of Power Sources, 187(1), 156-164. Elsevier.
Zamel, N., Li, X., & Shen, J.. (2009). Correlation for the effective gas diffusion coefficient in carbon paper diffusion media. Energy & Fuels, 23(12), 6070-6078. ACS Publications.
Baschuk, J. J., & Li, X.. (2009). A comprehensive, consistent and systematic mathematical model of PEM fuel cells. Applied Energy, 86(2), 181-193. Elsevier.
Jiao, K., & Li, X.. (2009). Effects of various operating and initial conditions on cold start performance of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34(19), 8171-8184. Elsevier.
Jiao, K., & Li, X.. (2009). Three-dimensional multiphase modeling of cold start processes in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. Electrochimica Acta, 54(27), 6876-6891. Elsevier.
Hussain, M. M., Li, X., & Dincer, I.. (2009). A general electrolyte–electrode-assembly model for the performance characteristics of planar anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources, 189(2), 916-928. Elsevier.
Das, P. K., Li, X., & Liu, Z. - S.. (2008). A three-dimensional agglomerate model for the cathode catalyst layer of PEM fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources, 179(1), 186-199. Elsevier.
Zamel, N., & Li, X.. (2008). Transient analysis of carbon monoxide poisoning and oxygen bleeding in a PEM fuel cell anode catalyst layer. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33(4), 1335-1344. Elsevier.
Zhang, J., Li, X., & Vance, M.. (2008). Experiments and modeling of heat transfer in oil transformer winding with zigzag cooling ducts. Applied Thermal Engineering, 28(1), 36-48. Elsevier.
Park, J., & Li, X.. (2008). Multi-phase micro-scale flow simulation in the electrodes of a PEM fuel cell by lattice Boltzmann method. Journal of Power Sources, 178(1), 248-257. Elsevier.
Zamel, N., & Li, X.. (2008). A parametric study of multi‐phase and multi‐species transport in the cathode of PEM fuel cells. International Journal of Energy Research, 32(8), 698-721. Wiley Online Library.
