
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Park, J., Li, X., Tran, D., Abdel-Baset, T., Hussey, D. S., Jacobson, D. L., & Arif, M.. (2008). Neutron imaging investigation of liquid water distribution in and the performance of a PEM fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33(13), 3373-3384. Elsevier.
Saha, A. Ashish, Mitra, S. K., & Li, X.. (2007). Electroosmotic effect on flows in a serpentine microchannel with varying zeta potential. Journal of power sources, 164(1), 154-165. Elsevier.
Li, X.. (2007). Thermodynamic performance of fuel cells and comparison with heat engines. Advances in fuel cells, 1, 1-46. Elsevier.
Zamel, N., & Li, X.. (2007). Numerical investigation of transport phenomena and electrochemical reactions in PEM fuel cell cathode. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 2(2), 126-148. Manchester University Press.
Baschuk, J., & Li, X.. (2007). Applying the Generalized Stefan-Maxwell Equations to Ion and Water Transport in the Polymer Electrolyte of a PEM Fuel Cell. ASME 2007 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Li, X.. (2007). Chapter One-Thermodynamic Performance of Fuel Cells and Comparison with Heat Engines. Advances in fuel cells, 1, 1-46. Elsevier.
Zhang, J., & Li, X.. (2007). Analysis for oil thermosyphon circulation and winding temperature in on transformers. Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2007. IEEE. IEEE.
Park, J., Matsubara, M., & Li, X.. (2007). Application of lattice Boltzmann method to a micro-scale flow simulation in the porous electrode of a PEM fuel cell. Journal of Power Sources, 173(1), 404-414. Elsevier.
Wu, H., Li, X., & Berg, P.. (2007). Numerical analysis of dynamic processes in fully humidified PEM fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 32(12), 2022-2031. Elsevier.
Ma, G., & Li, X.. (2007). Exergetic optimization of a key design parameter in heat pump systems with economizer coupled with scroll compressor. Energy Conversion and Management, 48(4), 1150-1159. Elsevier.
Das, P. K., Li, X., & Liu, Z. - S.. (2007). Analytical approach to polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell performance and optimization. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 604(2), 72-90. Elsevier.
Hussain, M. M., Dincer, I., & Li, X.. (2007). A preliminary life cycle assessment of PEM fuel cell powered automobiles. Applied Thermal Engineering, 27(13), 2294-2299. Elsevier.
Hussain, M. M., Li, X., & Dincer, I.. (2007). Mathematical modeling of transport phenomena in porous SOFC anodes. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 46(1), 48-56. Elsevier.
Park, J., & Li, X.. (2007). An experimental and numerical investigation on the cross flow through gas diffusion layer in a PEM fuel cell with a serpentine flow channel. Journal of Power Sources, 163(2), 853-863. Elsevier.
Li, X., Sabir, I., & Park, J.. (2007). A flow channel design procedure for PEM fuel cells with effective water removal. Journal of Power Sources, 163(2), 933-942. Elsevier.
Wu, H., Berg, P., & Li, X.. (2007). Non-isothermal transient modeling of water transport in PEM fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources, 165(1), 232-243. Elsevier.
Park, J., Huh, K. Y., & Li, X.. (2006). Lattice Boltzmann simulation on the liquid junction potential in a microchannel. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 591(2), 141-148. Elsevier.
Xianguo, L.. (2006). Principles of fuel cells. Taylor & Francis, New York.
Park, J., & Li, X.. (2006). Flow uniformity in and its effect on the performance of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell stacks. International journal of environmental studies, 63(4), 391-419. Taylor & Francis.
Zamel, N., & Li, X.. (2006). Life cycle comparison of fuel cell vehicles and internal combustion engine vehicles for Canada and the United States. Journal of power sources, 162(2), 1241-1253. Elsevier.
