
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Zhang, J., & Li, X.. (2006). Oil cooling for disk-type transformer windings-Part II: Parametric studies of design parameters. IEEE transactions on power delivery, 21(3), 1326-1332. IEEE.
Li, M., & Li, X.. (2006). A second-order Newton-Raphson method for improved numerical stability in the determination of droplet size distributions in sprays. Atomization and Sprays, 16(1). Begel House Inc.
Park, J., & Li, X.. (2006). Non-isothermal Modeling of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Stacks. SAE Technical Paper.
Karimi, G., & Li, X.. (2006). Analysis and modeling of PEM fuel cell stack performance: Effect of in situ reverse water gas shift reaction and oxygen bleeding. Journal of power sources, 159(2), 943-950. Elsevier.
Li, X., Fields, L., & Way, G.. (2006). Principles of fuel cells. Platinum Metals Rev, 50(4), 200-1.
Zhang, J., & Li, X.. (2006). Oil cooling for disk-type transformer windings-part 1: theory and model development. IEEE transactions on power delivery, 21(3), 1318-1325. IEEE.
Zamel, N., & Li, X.. (2006). Life cycle analysis of vehicles powered by a fuel cell and by internal combustion engine for Canada. Journal of Power Sources, 155(2), 297-310. Elsevier.
Park, J., & Li, X.. (2006). Effect of flow and temperature distribution on the performance of a PEM fuel cell stack. Journal of Power Sources, 162(1), 444-459. Elsevier.
Kanezaki, T., Li, X., & Baschuk, J. J.. (2006). Cross-leakage flow between adjacent flow channels in PEM fuel cells. Journal of Power sources, 162(1), 415-425. Elsevier.
Mughal, A., & Li, X.. (2006). Experimental diagnostics of PEM fuel cells. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 63(4), 377-389. Taylor & Francis.
Zhang, J., & Li, X.. (2005). Natural cooling oil flow in disk-type transformer windings with zigzag flow passages. International Journal of Transport Phenomena, 7(3), 199. OCP Science.
Du, Q., & Li, X.. (2005). Effect of gas stream swirls on the instability of viscous annular liquid jets. Acta mechanica, 176(1), 61-81. Springer.
Li, X., Li, M., & Fu, H.. (2005). Modeling the initial droplet size distribution in sprays based on the maximization of entropy generation. Atomization and Sprays, 15(3). Begel House Inc.
Karimi, G., Baschuk, J. J., & Li, X.. (2005). Performance analysis and optimization of PEM fuel cell stacks using flow network approach. Journal of Power Sources, 147(1), 162-177. Elsevier.
Hussain, M. M., Baschuk, J. J., Li, X., & Dincer, I.. (2005). Thermodynamic analysis of a PEM fuel cell power system. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 44(9), 903-911. Elsevier.
Hussain, M. M., Li, X., & Dincer, I.. (2005). Multi‐component mathematical model of solid oxide fuel cell anode. International Journal of Energy Research, 29(12), 1083-1101. Wiley Online Library.
Baschuk, J. J., & Li, X.. (2005). A general formulation for a mathematical PEM fuel cell model. Journal of Power Sources, 142(1), 134-153. Elsevier.
Li, M., & Li, X.. (2005). MEP-type distribution function: a better alternative to Weibull function for wind speed distributions. Renewable energy, 30(8), 1221-1240. Elsevier.
Li, X., & Sabir, I.. (2005). Review of bipolar plates in PEM fuel cells: Flow-field designs. International journal of hydrogen energy, 30(4), 359-371. Elsevier.
Li, X.. (2005). Diversification and localization of energy systems for sustainable development and energy security. Energy policy, 33(17), 2237-2243. Elsevier.
