
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Zamel, N., & Li, X.. (2013). Effective transport properties for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells–with a focus on the gas diffusion layer. Progress in energy and combustion science, 39(1), 111-146. Elsevier.
Unsworth, G., Dong, L., & Li, X.. (2013). Improved experimental method for measuring gas diffusivity through thin porous media. AIChE Journal, 59(4), 1409-1419. Wiley Online Library.
Saha, K., Abu-Ramadan, E., & Li, X.. (2013). Modified single-fluid cavitation model for pure diesel and biodiesel fuels in direct injection fuel injectors. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 135(6), 062801. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Qin, Y., Li, X., Du, Q., Yin, Y., & Jiao, K.. (2013). Effect of wettability on water removal from the gas diffusion layer surface in a novel proton exchange membrane fuel cell flow channel. international journal of hydrogen energy, 38(29), 12879-12885. Elsevier.
Jiao, K., Zhou, Y., Du, Q., Yin, Y., Yu, S., & Li, X.. (2013). Numerical simulations of carbon monoxide poisoning in high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells with various flow channel designs. Applied energy, 104, 21-41. Elsevier.
Karimi, G., & Li, X.. (2013). Thermal management of lithium‐ion batteries for electric vehicles. International Journal of Energy Research, 37(1), 13-24. Wiley Online Library.
Alaefour, I. E., Jiao, K., Karimi, G., & Li, X.. (2012). The Effect of the Air Stoichiometry on Dynamic Behavior of Local Current Density in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell. ECS Transactions, 42(1), 131-142. The Electrochemical Society.
Zamel, N., Li, X., & Shen, J.. (2012). Numerical estimation of the effective electrical conductivity in carbon paper diffusion media. Applied energy, 93, 39-44. Elsevier.
Li, X., & Zamel, N.. (2012). Special Issue on Green Energy. Elsevier.
Shakhshir, S. Al, Wang, Y., Alaefour, I. E., & Li, X.. (2012). The influence of channel wettability on two-phase flow and polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell performance. ECS Transactions, 42(1), 109-115. The Electrochemical Society.
Abu-Ramadan, E., Saha, K., & Li, X.. (2012). Numerical modeling of the impingement process of urea-water solution spray on the heated walls of SCR systems. SAE Technical Paper.
Wang, Y., Shakhshir, S. Al, Li, X., & Chen, P.. (2012). Superhydrophobic flow channel surface and its impact on PEM fuel cell performance. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 9(3), 225-236. Oxford University Press.
Unsworth, G., Zamel, N., & Li, X.. (2012). Through-plane thermal conductivity of the microporous layer in a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell. international journal of hydrogen energy, 37(6), 5161-5169. Elsevier.
Saha, K., Abu-Ramadan, E., & Li, X.. (2012). Multicomponent evaporation model for pure and blended biodiesel droplets in high temperature convective environment. Applied energy, 93, 71-79. Elsevier.
Chan, C., Zamel, N., Li, X., & Shen, J.. (2012). Experimental measurement of effective diffusion coefficient of gas diffusion layer/microporous layer in PEM fuel cells. Electrochimica Acta, 65, 13-21. Elsevier.
Jiao, K., Li, X., Yin, Y., Zhou, Y., Yu, S., & Du, Q.. (2012). Effects of various operating conditions on the hydrogen absorption processes in a metal hydride tank. Applied Energy, 94, 257-269. Elsevier.
Alaefour, I., Karimi, G., Jiao, K., & Li, X.. (2012). Measurement of current distribution in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell with various flow arrangements–a parametric study. Applied energy, 93, 80-89. Elsevier.
