Assistant Vice-President, Academic – Leadership and Strategic Initiatives

Research interests
I am a demographer and sociologist with interests in the life course, population change and social policy. This includes aspects of family and household demography and related processes such as fertility and household formation and dissolution, population ageing and migration, and policies such as social assistance and pensions. My focus is on Canadian demography and policy, with occasional comparisons to other countries.
Graduate supervision and student opportunities
I am currently accepting applications from graduate students who are interested in questions related to population processes (migration, fertility, mortality, nuptiality) and population change. I am particularly able to help students interested in using Statistics Canada data in the Statistics Canada Research Data Centres.
Graduate studies application details
Teaching interests
- Social determinants of health
- Demographic change
- Sociology of ageing
BA Honours, University of Winnipeg
MA Sociology, University of Western Ontario
PhD Sociology, University of Western Ontario
Selected recent publications
See Google Scholar for full list of publications.