Staff Excellence Fund

The Staff Excellence Fund (SEF) is part of the total compensation package for UWaterloo staff. $250,000 is allocated annually to fund the following initiatives:

  • High‐Quality Speakers. The fund sponsors speakers and events coordinated by Organizational & Human Development on topics relating to staff training and development, both within and independent of the annual staff conference. Estimated cost: $65,000/year.
  • Service Recognition. This fund contributes to the university’s annual Years of Service Reception for USG Staff at their at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 year milestones. Estimated cost: $50,000/year.
  • Engagement and Leadership Development. $50,000/year is allocated to activities, programs and services to enhance employee engagement and foster leadership development. 
  • Healthy Workplace Initiatives. $85,000/year is allocated for healthy workplace initiatives.

UWSA's role

In order to give staff input into allocating some of these funds, the UWSA is tasked with leading the Staff Excellence Fund Committee, which solicits and reviews applications from across UW—including from members like you—for initiatives in the Healthy Workplace and the Engagement and Leadership Development categories.

The committee then passes on applications for approval at the Provost’s Advisory Committee on Staff Compensation (PACSC).

Application instructions 

You can submit an SEF application at any time and it will be typically be reviewed by the SEF Committee within a month. The committee will often ask applicants for more information or offer suggestions for improving applications before they are sent to PACSC for approval, so please submit your application well in advance of your proposed project dates.

SEF guidelines

The SEF Committee and PACSC apply the following guidelines when considering proposals:

  • The proposal cannot create a tax benefit for staff.
  • The proposal can't be used for construction or capital infrastructure.
  • The project must be implemented quickly and have a duration of no more than two years.
  • Projects may be resubmitted to be considered for funding beyond the initial two years.
  • Funds can't be used for proposals currently funded or organized by the University, or for ongoing costs.
  • Projects must benefit many staff members.
  • Funds over $5,000 must be vetted by Procurement Services.
  • Funds can’t be used to remunerate UW staff, even if they act in the capacity of their own personal business within a project.


The Staff Excellence Fund was established in January 2009 by the Provost’s Advisory Committee on Staff Compensation (PACSC) when the Special Recognition Award Program for University Support Staff was discontinued.

Currently funded projects

VR for Workplace Wellness

The Conflict Management and Human Rights Office (CMAHRO), with support from the SEF, has arranged for three Meta Quest 2 head-mounted displays (HMDs) in each of the Dana Porter and Davis Center libraries, preloaded with Nature Treks VR and OvationVR. 

Nature Treks VR

Research has repeatedly demonstrated that spending time in nature can positively impact our personal wellbeing. While we don’t always have easy access to natural spaces, recent research is demonstrating that even encountering nature using immersive virtual reality can have similar positive effects!


OvationVR uses AI to create realistic speaking scenarios tailored to the needs of the user: one-on-one conversations, small group discussion, or presentation in large auditoriums. This allows staff to practice in a safe, controlled environment, gradually building confidence and reducing anxiety.  

Ways to Play: Fitness and wellness programming

Since fall 2022, SEF funding has allowed Warrior Recreation to offer daily fitness opportunities to staff, including staff workouts, rock climbing, archery, table tennis, yoga, nidra meditation, kickboxing, skating, and more. Sign up for a free SEF Staff Membership and register for classes on the Ways to Play for Staff webpage.