Short biography
I completed my B.Tech in Electrical Engineering from IIT Delhi and am enrolled as an MASc student in the Systems Design Engineering department. I am working under the supervision of Prof. Paul Fieguth and Prof. A. Wong.
Research interests
My research interests are in the field of non-parametric methods for image processing. Currently I am working with wavelets and their applications in non-parametric image processing techniques.
Research topics
Image Segmentation/Classification
Conference papers
Scharfenberger, C., A. Jain, A. Wong, and P. Fieguth, "Image saliency detection via multi-scale statistical non-redundancy modeling", IEEE Conference on Image Processing, 2014. Details
Jain, A., A. Wong, and P. Fieguth, "SALIENCY DETECTION VIA STATISTICAL NON-REDUNDANCY", International Conference on Image Processing, Orlando, IEEE, 2012. Details