Friday, June 29, 2018
This week, we go back to "regular" Web Dev Rev sessions, and as such, there's a big backlog of Drupal-related notes:
the Drupal documentation initiative has started
- the Drupal Association would like to get to know you, and has a "getting to know you" form
- how a full-time Drupal core developer works (link no longer available)
- how the original "Drupalgeddon" worked (link no longer available)
- are we afraid to estimate in Drupal and open source?
- virtual reality on campus with Drupal
- the Drupal 8 Workspace upgrade path as it goes from contrib to core (link no longer available)
- sustainable open source recipe
- a plan for Drupal and Composer
- DrupalCamp Montreal videos are online
- a Drupal 8 static site generator
- increasing Drupal contributions from underrepresented groups
- Media Library added to Drupal 8.6.x core
- exciting progress on Drupal 8.6
- Drupal 8 Webform module accessibility
- how to give credit when hosting a DrupalCamp
- contributing to a modern administration UI for Drupal
- working together to promote Drupal
- Drupal 8 content moderation infographics (link no longer available)
- an update on Drupal 8.6 pre-feature freeze
Since there were so many Drupal notes, we moved straight on to the video - "UTC is Enough for Everybody, Right?" from RubyConf India (we'd previously covered the "article version" of this presentation).
Next Friday we start to clear the backlog of "regular" web development links, and watch more video. We hope you'll join us on Friday, July 6th, in EC2 1021 (Millennium) at 11:00am.