WCMS 3 work:
- make the administrator role always expire 1 day after last login
- add role meanings to the dashboard information bar
- add remote video titles to "view on" links
- create a "safe exit" menu option
- create a code-based admissions requirements form
- remove unintended dashboard block options
- update Google ownership string validation
- determine why Mailchimp authentication doesn't seem to be working
- work towards a graduate studies version of the student budget calculator
- adjust automated user prune to prevent deletion of any users with content tied to their account
- change catalog category display to show nested items directly
- work towards French/Chinese site support
- add authorship info to user-editable taxonomy terms
- review and update automated tests
- hold development review sessions
- build, test, and release next feature release of WCMS 3
Scholar work:
- add D7 extended support