Tentacool (June 25 - July 16, 2024)

WCMS 3 work:

  • ship most recent feature release of WCMS 3
  • build and test next feature release of WCMS 3
  • separate "new" in catalogs to "new" and "updated"
  • add support for one nesting level of catalog categories
  • add new style options for blog posts in manual and automatic listing blocks
  • add new style options for contacts and profiles in manual and automatic listing blocks
  • build a draft version of the admissions requirements form
  • update "include all items" text to be more correct now that items can be excluded from automatically-generated listings
  • add support for archiving Kuali-based calendars
  • create dashboard blocks to list publication reference items
  • adjust handling of alt text for hero image (for accessibility)
  • add labels to search block forms (for accessibility)
  • add missing labels on some filters on listing pages (for accessibility)
  • ensure tags wrap words that are wider than the column
  • ensure maps inside expand/collapse display properly
  • create OFIS experts search block
  • fix webform ARIA attribute issues (for accessibility)
  • add authorship info to user-editable taxonomy terms
  • add theming for "agenda" style option in listing blocks for events
  • test potential change to block modal implementation
  • update contrib modules
  • hold development review sessions

Migration work:

  • Update related links migration to use the new links block

sprint name inspiration