April 2023 Newsletter

Event Highlights:

The Journey to Becoming a Senior SWE with Adrian Spânu 

Join WiCS and CSC on March 30th at 5pm ET for a virtual talk by Adrian Spânu about the journey to becoming a senior software engineer!  

Adrian is a Senior Engineering Manager at Asana focusing on building security infrastructure for end users. He has previously worked in security and distributed systems at Square (Block) and Facebook (Meta). He graduated from SYDE at UWaterloo in 2010 before taking a meandering path into software engineering. The Zoom link for the virtual talk will be sent out soon! 

Please sign up by March 29th at 5 PM - Google Form 

UWAFT Social Mixer 

UWAFT is hosting a social mixer on March 31st at 6:00PM. This event will be hosted in the Pearl Sullivan Engineering IDEAs Clinic (E7-1427). UWAFT would like to extend an open invitation to this event with you! 

No sign-up required. 

WiCS Undergraduate Committee Exec Applications 

Do you have a passion for diversity in the tech field? Are you interested in joining the WiCS undergrad committee? We are now recruiting for the WiCS undergrad committee for the Spring '23 term. 

Be sure to submit your application by 5pm on Saturday April 1st 

Link to Apply – Google Form 

Elder Visit: Jan Longboat 

The Faculty of Engineering EDI team is pleased to welcome Elder Jan Longboat who will be speaking on the role of women in Haudenausaunee culture. Jan Kahehti:io [“beautiful garden”] Longboat, Turtle clan of the Mohawk Nation, is an Elder, educator, writer, herbalist, cultural advocate and visionary. She has dedicated her life to the dissemination and learning of Indigenous language and culture. 

When: April 12th from 10:00AM-12:00PM 

Where: E7, room 2357 

More Information and event registration – UW Engineering Website

WiCS Logo Design Contest

Interested in creating a new t-shirt design for WiCS merch? Check out our Instagram posts and linktree for more information! Contest winner will receive free WiCS merch with their new design! Submissions close April 7th, 2023 

Link to submit – Google Form  

Male Allies Workshop  

Join Chris Martin (he/him) with the Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office for a Male Allies workshop, a drop-in, virtual workshop for men-identifying students seeking to understand and practice male allyship. The objective of these workshops is to engage and encourage men, with their unique privilege and responsibility, to address systemic and everyday forms of gender-based violence. Recommend this workshop to the male allies in your life!

Workshops occur on: March 23rd, March 30th, April 6th, March 13th, and April 20th 

Link to join zoom workshop and more information - Male Allies Workshop 

Grace Hopper Scholarship Opportunities 

AnitaB.org offers unique scholarships to students and faculty and boot camp participants to attend our annual Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC), the largest gathering of women and non-binary technologists globally.   

Attendees gain access to career and academic workshops, networking opportunities, inspirational role models, and so much more!  

Scholarships are limited and have specific eligibility requirements. Students on co-op who want to attend should apply for a GHC scholarship. For students on study term – WiCS will announce our own applications for travel to GHC. Applications are now open, so don't delay and start the process today! 

GHC Scholarship Opportunities - AnitaB.org (Applications close May 3rd) 

Interested In Helping Shape GHC? Apply to be a Reviewer - AnitaB.org (Applications close March 31st) 

Call for Volunteers! Technovation Regional Pitch Event

Technovation Girls Waterloo will be hosting a live, in-person Regional Pitch Event and we are looking for 10 volunteers to help us run this large event! Teams will pitch their projects to a team of live judges, receive feedback, and awards. We also have plans for keynote speakers. This is a fun and rewarding event where you will witness the next generation of girls+ being inspired to pursue careers in STEM! Lunch included!  

Volunteer tasks include: set up/clean up, registration, tech support and general logistics! 

When: Saturday, May 6th, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM (volunteering will be done in morning and afternoon shifts) 

Where: Multiple locations in DC 

Sign-up via Google Form or email technovation@uwaterloo.ca if you are interested! 

Bubble Tea Fireside Chat with Balyasny Asset Management (BAM) 

Join WiCS and Balyasny Asset Management (BAM) in a fireside panel followed by a bubble tea reception! Tech mentors will rotate around the room while you are able to ask them questions about their careers, the industry and more! The event is on May 24th from 3:30-5:00 PM in the Fishbowl (DC 1301).  

Sign up to secure your bubble tea as limited spots are available - Eventbrite

Bubble Tea will be provided by Machi Machi