Event Highlights:
WiCS First Year Orientation
Welcome to the University of Waterloo! We are so glad you have chosen to come become Women in Computer Science (WiCS) here at UW.
WiCS wants to celebrate you! We believe that having an inclusive learning and working environment in the School of Computer Science is the key to success. We want to help foster this environment by making this a fantastic first-year orientation. Celebrate with us on September 10th by connecting with other women+ first-year CS, SE, CFM, and CSBBA students, listening to talks from current undergraduates, and enjoying swag and food!!
Event Date: Saturday September 10th from 2:30 pm – 7:00 pm (EST)
Location: DC 1301
Register Here:
WiCS Study Room Launch Party
WiCS has officially opened our fully furnished and functional study room in DC (DC 3150 - on the walkway between DC and MC)!! The room includes worktables, comfy seating, a refrigerator, and a microwave. It is not large, but it is a place where you are guaranteed to meet other women in computing, find study buddies, or just relax. Come to our grand opening for cupcakes and WiCS swag! After visiting the Study Room, visit the WiCS Office (MC 3029) for more swag!
If you cannot attend the grand opening, visit the WiCS Office during office hours (https://wics.uwaterloo.ca, scroll down to the calendar) to obtain the combination to the room.
Hope to see you at the opening!
Event Date: Thursday, September 8th, from 12:30-2:00 pm AND 5:00-6:30 pm (EST)
Location: DC 3150
Drop In!!
WiCS x Amazon Resume Critiques
Will you be submitting applications for co-op or full-time opportunities this Summer? Looking for feedback on how to improve your application and resume? Look no further! Come to the WiCS Resume Critique event, where recruiters and mentors from Amazon will provide valuable advice and tips on how to structure your resume when applying for tech positions. Be sure to have a PDF of your resume and a device where you can screen share!
Event Date: Monday, September 12th, from 4:00-6:00 pm (EST)
Location: Online via Zoom
Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wics-x-amazon-resume-critiques-tickets-405419519697
WiCS x Google - Building your Technical Career Workshop
Interested in learning about how to maximize each year of school to ensure that you are industry-ready for internships and full-time opportunities? Join us to receive detailed tips on updating your resume, preparing for technical interviews, and communicating effectively with your recruiter.
This is a working breakfast event- food will be provided!! Get charged up for your classes and for your future with Google!!
Event Date: Wednesday September 14th from 8:30 am - 10:00 am (EST)
Location: DC 1302
Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wics-x-google-building-your-technical-career-workshop-tickets-404901109117
Women in Math (WiM) Welcome Event
WIM is running a welcome event for incoming Math graduate and undergraduate women+ students! Welcome new students to the Faculty of Mathematics and get to know other women in math and build your connections!
Hear messages from the dean, chair of Women in Mathematics (WiM), and director of Women in Computer Science (WiCS). Faculty, first-year instructors and upper-year students will share how to navigate academic life. Mingle and talk to other students and faculty.
Event Date: Wednesday September 14th from 4:30 – 6:00 pm (EST)
Location: DC 1301
Register Here: https://www.ticketfi.com/event/4690/wim-fall-welcome
WiCS & WiSTEM x Google - Women in Tech Panel + Q&A
Google is committed to empowering all women by connecting, developing, and fostering a sense of community amongst women in tech. Come build that community and conversation with us!
Event Date: Thursday September 15th from 4:30pm - 6:00pm (EST) (1 hour for panel + 30-minute networking)
Location: DC 1302
Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wics-wistem-x-google-women-in-tech-panel-qa-tickets-404919875247
WiCS x Bloomberg Women in Tech Lunch & Panel
Bloomberg is so excited to be back on-campus this fall! Join us for a networking lunch with Software Engineers from our NYC offices. This is a drop-in/out event so feel free to stop by whenever you'd like! There will be the opportunity to get to know our engineers, hear about the challenges they are working to solve, and discuss future opportunities. We hope to see you there!
Event Date: Friday September 16th from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm (EST)
Location: DC 1301
Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wics-x-bloomberg-women-in-tech-lunch-panel-tickets-405294094547
WiCS x Splunk Mock Interviews
Looking for one-on-one interview feedback? Look no further! WiCS will be hosting mock interview sessions for undergraduate students with Splunk. This is a chance for you to brush up on those interview skills and learn valuable tips from mentors!
Event Date: Tuesday, September 27th, from 4:00 – 5:30 pm (EST)
Location: Online via Zoom
Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wics-x-splunk-mock-interviews-tickets-405423301007
WiCS x OpenText Lunch and Panel (Influence, Inspire, and Lead!)
What began as a University of Waterloo spin-off, OpenText is a leader in information management. Today, OpenText has over 15,000 employees in more than 60 offices around the globe and is currently hiring for Software Developers, Technical Writers, Quality Assurance Specialists, UX/UI Designers, and more, with 40 open internship positions for Winter 2023 and Summer 2023.
Join WiCS and inspiring female leaders from OpenText for a networking lunch followed by an engaging panel where they will explore topics relating to imposter syndrome, unconscious bias and being a female leader in a male-dominated industry.
Event Date: Wednesday September 28th from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm (EST)
Location: DC 1301
Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wics-x-opentext-lunch-and-panel-influence-inspire-and-lead-tickets-405410071437
Grace Hopper Celebration WiCS Cohort
Are you attending Grace Hopper Conference 2022 with your own funding, on a corporate scholarship, or as a GHC (Grace Hopper Celebration) hopper? We want you to attend alongside WiCS! If you are attending GHC22 please let us know, so that we can include you in our communications to UW GHC’22 attendees, and invite you to join our group-travel plans, to bring you a UW lanyard to wear, etc.
Email jmatlee@uwaterloo.ca to let us know that you are attending, see you there!!
Truth Values One Woman Play (Sponsored by WiM and WiCS)
This year Truth Values Play is coming to Waterloo (sponsored by WiM and WiCS) to present...
“A true-life tale that offers a humorous, scathing, insightful, and ultimately uplifting look at the challenges of being a professional woman in a male-dominated field.
Writer/performer and “recovering mathematician” Gioia De Cari creates “refreshing delights of humor, even compassion (EDGE Media) as she charmingly brings to life more than 30 characters “each rendered on an empty stage that hints at the countless stories similar to hers but untold.””
Read more about the play here: https://truthvalues.org/play
Event Date: Saturday, September 24, 2022, at 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm (EST)
Location: Theatre of the Arts - Ring Road Waterloo, ON, N2L Canada
Get Tickets Here: https://truthvalues.org/
WiCS Innovation Fund
The WiCS Innovation Fund supports student-initiated activities such as hackathons, workshops, conferences, and much more, that support women and non-binary students in computing. WiCS will give out two awards worth $500 this fall!
If you’re interested, send an email to wics@uwaterloo.ca with an explanation of the use (e.g., organizing an event, attending a conference or hack-a-thon) and what you will get out of attending. The Fund will sponsor future events only (not past events).
Learn more about Google
Here are several online resources for learning more about Google and their hiring practices.