GHC 2023 Full Reflection #1

The sense of community I felt at GHC was unlike anything I had experienced before. From listening to powerful Women speak, to talking to other female students from across the continent, I was inspired by each one of their stories. Every Woman in tech has experienced feelings of doubt, insecurity, or loneliness at some point. And so, everyone I met had such a strong sense of motivation that pushed them to become who they are today. Although the backgrounds of attendees were very diverse there was so much common ground in experiences we had as Women in Tech. Having always been in male-dominated tech classes and workplaces I really appreciated the immediate sense of connection I felt from talking about these shared experiences. Furthermore, I am always inspired by the level to which Women in tech support each other, so much mentorship and kindness was expressed to me at GHC, providing bright spot in this competitive industry. 

Another very impactful experience was the panel of female startup owners during the closing ceremonies. It was amazing to hear the creativity they possessed and how they had overcome things such as imposter syndrome and external doubts to reach the success they now have. GHC was truly a unique experience and has given me a new level of motivation to strive to do great things in Tech.

- Valerie, WiCS Student