
Wednesday, October 2, 2024 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

2024 Sally Weaver Award Guest Lecture: Dr. Maria Liston

In 338 BCE Philip of Macedon and his teen-aged son Alexander defeated the allied Greek forces led by the Athenians and Thebans. Recent rediscovery of records from the 19th century excavations site resulted in a new multinational project to analyze the battle from multiple perspectives, examining previously unstudied materials. This lecture presents the results of these new analyses, focusing primarily on the skeletons of Theban soldiers from the Lion Monument mass grave at Chaironeia and the cremated remains of the Macedonians buried under a mound on the battlefield.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Research talk with Dela Kuma: Negotiating “Nkudzedze” During Global Trade

In Amedeka, Southeastern Ghana, local tastes and their related performances are conceptualized as “nkudzedze” – ‘pleasing to the eyes.’ This talk explores how the Amedeka conceptualization of taste directed daily life, the production and consumption of trade goods and serves as a radical act to decentralize research methodologies from the Eurowestern gaze and colonial epistemologies that continue to ‘otherize’ local and Indigenous communities.

Dr. Amira Mittermaier

Join the Department of Anthropology, alumni, and friends for the 2023 Sally Weaver Award Guest Lecture:"After the Revolution: Islam in Post-2011 Egypt," presented by Amira Mittermaier, Professor of Religion and Anthropology from University of Toronto.