Monday, December 10, 2012
Professor Robert Park is participating in a Government of Nunavut archaeological research project into the Franklin expedition, assisting Nunavut's Director of Heritage, Dr. Douglas Stenton. In late summer, 2012, the colleagues were back in the Arctic looking for new archaeological sites that may have been occupied by Inuit soon after the Franklin tragedy, and were also re-investigating previously discovered archaeological sites created by the Franklin expedition.
In September, CBC's Peter Mansbridge flew to Nunavat, and King William Island in particular, where he joined Bob and Dr. Stenton at work excavating a site known to hold remains and artifacts from the Franklin victims. Exciting discoveries were made, including buttons, wooden debris, an 1840's toothbrush, a tooth and other small items.
During the month, CBC coverage of this search was extensive online, on radio, and on television, including a two-part feature on The National that aired September 10 and 11, 2012.