2A reclad design

Second Year project gallery

Course: AE 200 - Enclosure Design Studio
Winter term (2A)

Applying the results of the existing building analysis lab, students are to design an updated enclosure for the current Ron Eydt Village buildings. The re-clad designs shall include a new entrance canopy and implement human-centered design strategies in the replacement. Students will identify design priorities and requirements, use critical editing skills with respect to enclosure components, and develop ideas through an iterative design process.

2A student example: "Mod 5"

The Mod 5 re-clad aims to improve building performance, driven by three key objectives: sustainability, supporting interior programs, and going "beyond ideas". HSS panels provide structural support for windows and wall build up. Additionally, steel L-plates are anchored to the columns before installation, while the HSS frame is attached to the L-plate using a bolted connection.

The re-clad proposal introduces large structural glazing to maximize daylight and solar gain. A strong vertical pattern of alternating glass and aluminum composite panels guides the viewer's eye towards the sky.

2a student plan

Panel to roof connection

2a student plan

Steel L-plates anchored to column before installation

2a student plan

Wall composition (80%)