Co-op Education

Earn as you learn: Participate in North America's largest co-op program at the University of Waterloo

As an architectural engineering student at Waterloo you'll automatically be entered into the engineering co-op program. Co-operative (co-op) education combines formal classroom teaching with on-the-job experience. Students are able to try a variety of roles in different industries or can focus their skills on specializations and build expertise over multiple work terms. The jobs completed through co-op will put students on the fast track to a great career after graduation.

Throughout your degree, you'll gain up to two years of real-world experience, build connections in industry and strengthen your professional skills with WatPD-Engineering, an online program that covers résumé writing, networking and more. Co-op at UWaterloo also counts as one year out of the five years of experience needed to get licensed as an engineer in Ontario.

Architectural Engineering students will be in Stream 4S, which means your first work term will begin in January of your first year.

Co-op schedule

Year Term Stream
Fall Study Term 1A
  Winter Co-op Term 1
  Spring Study Term 1B
2 Fall  Co-op Term 2
  Winter Study Term 2A
  Spring Co-op Term 3
3 Fall  Study Term 2B
  Winter Co-op Term 4
  Spring Study Term 3A
4 Fall  Co-op Term 5
  Winter Study Term 3B
  Spring Study Term 4A
5 Fall  Co-op Term 6
  Winter Study Term 4B

Employment opportunities

  • Consulting firms specializing in structural and/or architectural design
  • Building performance consulting firms
  • Construction companies and developers
  • Regulatory agencies
  • Building owners and operators

Co-op Salary

Information about salary scales for co-op students is contained in the Co-operative Education Department's Weekly Earnings Survey.

Co-op Resources

  • The Co-operative Education department on campus provides students with professional career guidance, contacts potential employers and arranges on-campus job interviews for co-op students. 
  • Co-op Procedures: Precise details of the co-op employment process are explained in the Co-operative Student Reference Manual.
  • Term Dates: Precise dates for the beginning and end dates of the various terms are shown in the University of Waterloo Academic Calendar.