Kelly is the Senior Director of Sustainability and Regenerative Design with Mass Design Group. He supports Principals and Designers to embed performance & provenance objectives into all MASS projects, as well leading climate-focused research and the training of our entire team.
Kelly holds professorships at The Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment and at the University of Toronto where his Ha/f Research Studio is focused on the whole life carbon of the built environment. The outcomes of this research informed the development of embodied carbon policy regulation with the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area.
Kelly is a past recipient of the Canada Council’s Prix de Rome for Emerging Practitioners, the Irving Grossman Prize for innovation in housing design, and both the AIA and RAIC medals. He has previously held teaching positions at the University of Waterloo, Università Iuav di Venezia, and Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design.
This lecture is part of the Fall 2023 Arriscraft Canada Brick Speaker Series: From the Field.