Thesis defence: Janna Kholodova
Thesis defence: Janna Kholodova
The Cosmos and Four-Dimensional Geometry as seen in the Visionary Architecture of the Russian Avant-Garde
Thesis defence: Janna Kholodova
The Cosmos and Four-Dimensional Geometry as seen in the Visionary Architecture of the Russian Avant-Garde
Thesis defence: Adrian Chiu
Towards a Soft Architecture: Approachable Kit-of-Parts for Soft Interactive Architecture
Thesis defence: Meghan Won
Architecture as Setting the Stage: A framework for architectural design of virtual reality places centering the concept of presence through Wideström, Hernandez-Ibañez and Barneche-Naya, and Slater
Thesis defence: Danielle Grabke
Crafted Experiences: Weaving the Craft of Dressmaking into Retail Space
Thesis defence: Taylor Murray
Re-Imagining Indoor Gardening Systems: Ceramic Light Fixtures as Food Growing Typologies
Thesis defence: Elizabeth Yeoh
Re-storying Dammed Waters: Towards Kichisippi Pimisi (American Eel) Recovery in Algonquin Provincial Park
Thesis defence: Jordan Crowder
TRANSCENDENCE: Being on the Edge of Meaning
Thesis defence: Nilojan Jegatheeswaran
Nala: In Search of a Way
Thesis defence: Reese Babcock
Mining Memory : Three Land-Stories from Cerro de Pasco
Thesis Defence - Aurora Chi
How Do We Belong Here? The Evolution and Expression of Incidental Spaces of Belonging for Toronto’s Chinese Diaspora