Dr. Mohamad T. Araji and Rick Andrighetti are winners of the 2024 Faculty of Engineering Awards.

Associate Professor, Dr. Mohamad T. Araji is a Faculty Research Excellence Award recipient.

The Engineering Research Excellence Awards (EREA) are presented each year to tenure or tenure-track faculty members in the Faculty of Engineering in recognition of outstanding research accomplishments. The award recipient will be selected on a competitive basis and judged by a panel of faculty members consisting of one member from each Engineering department, including Architecture.  Faculty members nominated for the EREA award are not eligible to serve on the review committee.  Previous winners of the EREA are ineligible for re-nomination for at least three years following receipt of their prior award.

Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, Rick Andrighetti was awarded the Unsung Hero Award.

The Unsung Hero Award is presented to those faculty members who have gone above typical service expectations without the expectation of recognition

The Faculty of Engineering Service Awards are presented annually to recognize outstanding contributions by an individual faculty member in service to their department/School, the Faculty and/or the University of Waterloo.

The awards will be presented at a ceremony on Wednesday, January 29, 2025.

See the full list of staff and faculty winners for 2024 on the Faculty of Engineering awards page.