Canadian Modern Architecture: 1967 to the Present
The book Canadian Modern Architecture: 1967 to the Present is the first comprehensive volume on modern and contemporary Canadian architecture to appear in over 25 years. It is co-published by Princeton Architectural Press and Canadian Architect magazine.Canadian Modern Architecture: 1967 to the Present, is a far-reaching review of major work in this county. It includes 15 original essays by authors including George Baird (FRAIC), Brian Carter, (Hon. FRAIC), Ian Chodikoff (FRAIC), Odile Hénault, George Kapelos (FRAIC), Lisa Landrum (FRAIC), Steven Mannell (FRAIC), Sherry McKay, Marco Polo (FRAIC), Colin Ripley (MRAIC), Lola Sheppard, David Theodore (MRAIC), Larry Wayne Richards (FRAIC), Adele Weder (Hon. MRAIC) and Mason White (MRAIC). It is illustrated with 500 photographs and drawings.

Elsa Lam (Editor), Graham Livesey (Editor)
Read more at the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada website