Dezeen School Shows has included Maria Luiza de Souza Oliveira Ottoni's thesis project WaterWoven: Living on the margins in the Roncador River region, Brazil alongside six student projects showcased on Dezeen School Shows that present design solutions to rising sea levels and flooding.

In response to widespread changes in weather caused by the climate crisis, a number of young designers have chosen to focus their university studies on designing ways to future-proof the built environment against the risk of floods and theorise ways to harness surplus water.
This roundup of projects includes a salt marsh intervention in the UK, a housing strategy that reduces the risk of flooding on a riverbank in Brazil, and a water management system in Iran that adopts ancient water collection methods.
The selection of projects comes from architecture students studying at global universities, including Oxford Brookes University, University of Brighton, University of Applied Arts Vienna, and USA-based institutions Tulane University and Washington University in St Louis.
See the full article on Dezeen.