Sandrina Dumitrascu Kramar


Sandrina is a licensed landscape architect and urban designer with over 14 years of interdisciplinary professional experience in Canada, the US and Europe such as West 8 (Toronto and Rotterdam), Stoss Landscape Urbanism (Boston) and Ateliers Jean Nouvel (Paris).

She is currently part of the Design Management, Planning & Development team at Metrolinx, supporting design excellence in project design delivery across various parts of the provincial transit infrastructure network. Prior to joining Metrolinx, Sandrina’s work has focused on the design of community parks and public spaces, streetscape design, urban design guidelines, university campus designs and waterfront revitalization projects.

Sandrina received her Master of Architecture degree from the University of Waterloo. Her thesis entitled "Interstitial Landscape as Interstitial Tissue: Parco degli Acquedotti al'Mandrione" set in the context of Rome, Italy, was recognized with an Award of Excellence from the Ontario Association of Architects. She has been a member of the Adjunct Faculty at the University of Waterloo School of Architecture since 2009.

Research Interests

  • landscape architecture, public spaces, streetscape design, interstitial landscapes, infrastructural landscapes,urban design guidelines, waterfront revitalization, urban design guidelines


  • 2009, Master of Architecture Architecture, University of Waterloo, Canada
  • 2006, Bachelor of Architectural Studies Architecture, University of Waterloo, Canada


  • ARCH 392 - Design Studio
    • Taught in 2020

* Only courses taught in the past 5 years are displayed.

Graduate studies

  • Not currently accepting applications for graduate students