Shared Labs and Technology Centered Classrooms

Shared computer labs and technology centered classrooms, resource use

Computer labs and technology centered classrooms owned and managed by the Faculty of Arts are used for courses offered by instructors from multiple units in the Faculty of Arts and from AFIW institutions with an Arts affiliation. The information below provides a basic overview of scheduling procedures and processes for requesting resources.

Priority for bookings in ECH (Fine Arts, DAC, English and Speech Communications, Stratford contingency use) and ML (Drama & Speech Communications for ML 101/117, language learning only for ML 109 and ML 113) remains in effect. Given that all bookable computer labs and technology centered classrooms are routinely used for classroom purposes by multiple units, any substantive change to their use will minimally involve consultation among the appropriate Associate Dean(s) in the Faculty of Arts and the chairs/heads of all units using the space.

Booking procedure

Requests for classroom assignments (lectures, tutorials, labs) are made by departmental timetable representatives following the regular campus wide scheduling procedures. The instructor is responsible for supervision and ensuring proper use of facilities for labs, tutorials, and lectures.

Ad hoc bookings – such as an intensive program, a one-time event, or examinations not scheduled through the Registrar – are permitted when they do not conflict with scheduled class use of the facilities. Requests for ad hoc bookings may be made to the Scheduling Representative for the Faculty of Arts, who will consult departmental timetable representatives and technical support staff as needed. Ad hoc bookings made by students or student groups must have a department faculty member sponsor to be responsible for the event.

All ad hoc bookings are not finalized until each term's schedule is known, and those courses are booked in the calendar. Ad hoc bookings can be bumped in the event of conflict with courses or Registrar scheduled exams.

Please request one-off room bookings for ECH 1205, ML 113, and PAS 1237 through your departmental administrator, who will contact on your behalf.

Requests for additional resources

There is space to request software on the web form for course scheduling. Any software requests not known at the time of a scheduling request can be directed to Arts Computing Office staff. Requests for new applications and new versions of existing software must be received at least six weeks before the start of the term in which they are to be used.

When an instructor requires additional equipment, such as additional headsets to allow two students to use a single computer, this equipment may be reserved for use in scheduled usage of lab facilities. Requests should be made by email to A minimum lead time of three working days is expected for all such requests.

Requests for enhancements or updates to technology to be used in teaching and learning will be addressed through the Faculty of Arts budget processes. Instructors should bring requests to the attention of their Chair, who will bring all department requests to the Dean’s Office as part of annual budget discussions. As with any department request involving computers or software, the IT Director and Associate Dean (Infrastructure & Technology) will be notified of and consulted on such requests. Enhancements may include new resources for use in lab facilities as well as equipment and software to be made available for student use outside the labs (e.g. on loan).