Facilities and labs

Computers in Arts computing lab

Using lab facilities

To make use of our facilities, all you need is a Nexus account. For further information on Nexus , please visit our Nexus help and support section

Can the labs be booked?

The following labs can be booked for use by the Faculty of Arts and closely affiliated programs and groups. Classes have priority in these labs. Use of the labs for purposes not related to teaching and learning is restricted to Faculty of Arts needs.

  • East Campus Hall (ECH) 1205
  • Psychology-Anthropology-Sociology (PAS) 1237
  • Language Labs

How do I book a lab?

Computer lab and technology centered classroom bookings are handled through Arts classroom scheduling processes. Please request one-off room bookings for ECH 1205, ML 109, ML 113, and PAS 1237 through your departmental administrator, who will complete the Microsoft Form on your behalf. Inquiries about non-Arts reservations for any lab must be requested by the Microsoft form and will be need to be approved by the IT Director.

  • ECH 1205is only available for booking by Fine Arts, English or Digitial Arts Communication (DAC) instructors.

  • Modern Languages (ML) 109 and ML 113 are only available for booking by Language instructors and faculty performing related research.

  • PAS 1237 use for research studies is limited to 4 hours per week to allow time for drop-in use of the facilities by Arts students. Booking Schedule is posted outside the lab and can be viewed in Outlook Calendar PAS-1237 Booking Schedule but DO NOT BOOK THE CALENDAR. Booking requests must be approved.