How to set a friendly email address

Many University of Waterloo staff, faculty and students have a forwarding address in the form of It is not possible to change your uWaterloo userid, but uWaterloo offers students, faculty and staff the option of a friendly email address. A friendly email address is an alternate forwarding address that can be added to the list of emails attached to your waterloo emailEmails sent to your email address or your friendly email address will both direct to your uWaterloo inbox

You can watch our video on how to set a friendly email address, or read the instructions below.

How to set your friendly email address

  1. Go to WatIAM User Access.
  2. Log in with your userid and password.
  3. Click the update profile link.
  4. Click the email configuration tab.
  5. Near the bottom of the box you will see a section for setting your Friendly Email Address. There will be some additional emails available to you here, select the radio button of the one you prefer.
  6. Click save.

You now have a friendly email address that will forward to your uWaterloo email account!