CBB Seed Funding FAQ


Q. When does the next round of applications open? 

A. October 1, 2024

Q. What is the deadline for submission of applications? 

A. January 15, 2025 at 11:59 pm 

Q. What are the elements of a complete application? 

A. Three elements:

(i) CBB Seed Funding Application form PDF or Word (.docx)

(ii) Office of Research electronic cover sheet (to be submitted using the UWaterloo Electronic Cover Sheet System)

(iii) Principal applicant's most recent version of their CV, in any format

Q. Do I need to fill out a Waterloo Cover Sheet for sponsored research activities? 

A. Yes. An electronic cover sheet must be completed and submitted with your proposal using the UWaterloo Cover Sheet System.

Q. Is the list of references/bibliography included in the page limit? 

A. The list of references does not count toward page limits. Append references on a separate page. 

Q. Do figures count toward the page limit?

A. Figures do not count toward page limits. Append figures on a separate page.

Q. Do I need to have Office of Research (OR) Ethics approval in place before I submit the proposal? 

A. No. However, appropriate ethics approval must be obtained before relevant project tasks are initiated, or awarded funds are released. Refer to UW’s guidelines for Research Involving Human Participants and/or Guidelines for the Care and Use of Animals in Research and Teaching

Q. How do I access my awarded seed funds? 

A. CBB will work with your departmental administrator to initiate a transfer of funds. 

Q. Who do I contact with questions about reporting expenditures? 

A. Any questions about reporting expenditures should be directed to your departmental administrator. 

Q. Are there any restrictions on the types of expenses that can be charged to the funding account? 

A. The expectation is that funds will be used in general accordance with the budget outlined in the application, and abide by the University of Waterloo’s guidelines on eligible expenses. This could include, equipment/hardware, software, meeting costs, lab user fees, training opportunities, and student stipends etc. There is not a requirement for line-item expenditures; recipients are asked to provide narrative reports on expenses and project progress at the end of the funding period.

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