
From World War I until the late 1950s, Catholics in Germany reported more instances of stigmata and visions of the Virgin Mary than at any time in modern history. This lecture emphasizes the stigmata of the charismatic Therese Neumann of Bavaria and the Cold War apparitions of the Virgin Mary in the small town of Heroldsbach. Neumann’s story in particular reveals much about the fall of German democracy in the 1920s and the relation of Catholics to the Third Reich.

Canada is the guest of honour at the 2021 Frankfurt Book Fair. In that spirit, the Waterloo Centre for German Studies has chosen a Canadian author in German translation and is offering this meeting on a Sunday to make it more convenient for fellow readers from Germany to join us. We'll be reading A Complicated Kindness/Ein komplizierter Akt der Liebe, by Miriam Toews, translation by Christiane Buchner.

Mind/Screen: Mental Illness and Film

For its anniversary, the film symposium commits itself to a long-time companion of the cinema: Mental illness has been accompanying cinema since its origins contributing to its topics and forms, widening its possibilities of expression and theory.