CHEM 400: Polymer Synthesis and Self-Assembly

The course starts with an introduction to the design and synthesis of polymers with defined chemical structures. A number of polymerization techniques will be described briefly, including anionic, living free radical and migration insertion polymerizations. The principles guiding self-assembly behaviour of polymers will be discussed, followed by the material applications of the assembled polymeric nanomaterials.

Course content

  • Polymerization techniques (8 lectures).
  • Self-assembly of block copolymers (8 lectures).
  • Self-assembly of organometallic polymers (8 lectures).
  • Polymeric supramolecular functional materials (8 lectures).


  • Principles of Polymerization (3rd Edition) by G. Odian (Wiley: NY, 1991; QD281.P603 1991).
  • Polymers: Chemistry and Physics of Modern Materials (2nd Edition) by J. M. G. Cowie (Blackie Academic: Glasgow, 1991; QD381.C68x 1991).
  • Elements of Polymer Science and Engineering by A. Rudin (Academic Press: San Diego, 1999; QD381.R8 1999).

Please remember that the Undergraduate Calendar is always the official source for all course descriptions.