CHEM 479

Preparation of Biobased Compounds and Materials

  • University of Waterloo credit: 0.5
  • European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) credit: 6.0
  • Prerequisite: CHEM 339; Honours Biochemistry, Chemistry, or Medicinal Chemistry
  • Only offered online.

This course provides an introduction to the industrial preparation of polymers, with a focus on biobased polymers. The first part describes how the most famous synthetic polymers are prepared from the chemical reaction to the industrial level. A second part reviews some of the most important biological mechanisms used by Nature to use chemistry in cellular mechanisms, including some well-known biobased chemistry processes like fermentation or some innovative ones designed to prepare pharmaceutical compounds. The last part introduces various examples of bio-based processes to illustrate different applications that are currently developed.

Please remember that the Undergraduate Calendar is always the official source for all course descriptions.